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119049, Moscow, Pokrovsky boulevard, 11, office Т-523

Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 *27379

E-mail: nberzon@hse.ru

Department Academic Supervisor Nikolay I. Berzon
Department Head Anna Kuznetsova
Deputy Head Andrey I. Stolyarov
Intangible Assets and US Stock Returns: An analysis using the Index Method, Panel Regression, and Machine Learning

Haniev A.

Journal of Applied Economic Research. 2024. Vol.  23. No. 3. P. 833-854.

Book chapter
Digital Learning as an Innovation in Higher Education and a Mechanism for Increasing Its Attractiveness to Young People

Osipov V. S., Vagin S., Frantsuzenko Polina S. et al.

In bk.: Digital Education in Russia and Central Asia. Singapore: Springer, 2022. P. 267-278.

Tag "Saudi Arabia" – News

HSE University and Centre of Information and Arabian-Russian Studies Sign Cooperation Agreement

Dr Majed Abdulaziz Al-Turki, Victoria Panova
HSE University has signed a cooperation agreement with the Centre of Information and Arabian-Russian Studies (CIARS) of Saudi Arabia. The agreements reached will contribute to strengthening and advancement of cooperation in the areas of education, research, and culture between HSE University and scientific and educational institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.