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Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance

Ajsmontas B., Alekhina S., Aleksandrova L. et al.

Springer, 2024.

Multidimensional stable driven McKean–Vlasov SDEs with distributional interaction kernel: a regularization by noise perspective
In press

Chaudru de Raynal P., Jabir J. M., Menozzi S.

Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations. 2024. P. 1-54.

Book chapter
The Development of Assistive Technologies and Its Role Towards Successful Inclusion: The Case of Russia

Sinyavskaya O., Pishnyak A., Cherviakova A. A. et al.

In bk.: Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance. Springer, 2024. P. 139-167.

Tag "anti-versary" – News

Ten Facts about HSE's International Community

Every year, the HSE family welcomes representatives of new countries and becomes more interesting and diverse. On June 4, 2017, international students will talk to visitors about their home countries and introduce them to their cultures at The Whole World at HSE festival. To give you a quick pre-festival snapshot of how international HSE is, we’ve brought together ten facts about the university international life for you.

Ten Facts about HSE's International Community

Every year, the HSE family welcomes representatives of new countries and becomes more interesting and diverse. On June 4, 2017, international students will talk to visitors about their home countries and introduce them to their cultures at The Whole World at HSE festival. To give you a quick pre-festival snapshot of how international HSE is, we’ve brought together ten facts about the university international life for you.