Научный семинар ИРГ ЦеПЭПМИ
17 июня состоялся научный семинар исследовательской рабочей группы "Центр пространственной эконометрики в прикладных макроэкономических исследованиях"
С докладом выступила:
Анастасия Блохина
Тема доклада:
"Роль пространственных эффектов в конвергенции региональных рынков жилья Германии"
The aim of this work is the convergence analysis of housing markets of German regions. We assume spatial correlation of the regions, various determinants of housing prices including migration data and its population ratio. Using data for 397 regions in 2004-2016 we asses linear and spatial econometric models for both selling and rental prices. As the determinants we use such demand factors as unemployment level, pendulum migration ratio, wages, employment rate, number of employees, gross regional product, migration flow for regions, emigration and immigration for federal lands. By the result of the analysis, we can conclude that factors which lead to personal income growth affect the prices positively and vice versa. Emigration makes the population smaller, so the demand lowers as do the prices. Immigration contrary rises the population, alike the demand and prices. Convergence of the regions exists for both selling and rental prices. The practical significance of the current work is its applicability to regional economic and migration policy formation.
Запись выступления доступна в разделе "Научные семинары" исследовательской рабочей группы.