Участие ИРГ ЦеПЭПМИ в 61st ERSA Congress
Сотрудники нашей исследовательской группы приняли активное участие в 61st ERSA Congress, проходившем в г. Печ, Венгрия 22–26 августа. Конгресс проходил в гибридном формате, в ходе работы обсуждались различные темы, связанные с предпренимательством, региональной и городской экономикой, развитием регионов, политикой правительства в регионах.
С презентациями своих исследований в рамках конгресса выступили:
- Елена Семерикова, Анастасия Блохина, доклад на тему: «Spatial Quantile Analysis of Real Estate Prices in Germany».
The aim of the paper is to identify and establish empirical facts on the determinants of the real estate prices by analyzing spatial regional data, considering the price level of the region. We provide empirical analysis on the panel data set of 401 German regions for the period 2004 – 2020 taking into account their relative geographical location and prices. The main contribution of our paper is the analysis of determinants and spatial effects in housing prices, taking into account whether the region belong to high-prices or low-prices clusters using quantile regression analysis.
- Ольга Демидова, Александр Зюзин, доклад на тему: «Clusters and Russian private firms’ performance: cross-industry analysis».
This paper discovers agglomeration externalities’ sustainability and robustness issues for Russian private real sector companies during the period from 2011 to 2018. Agglomeration effects are measured via Ellison-Glaeser index (industry is supposed to be clustered in certain region(s) if the EG value is high). Firms’ sales margin was chosen as the main performance characteristic. The sample was divided into 6 aggregated groups (agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transport, IT, services) and for each of them sustainability and robustness of the concentration effect was checked using OLS estimates with heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors obtained for each year. Companies, located in and out of the cluster were studied separately. Strong, sustainable, and positive concentration effects were found for Agricultural, Mining and Transport industries. Sustainable negative agglomeration effects appear for Manufacturing and Service industries. For IT companies the agglomeration effect depends on the company location (in or out of the industry cluster). For IT companies located inside the industry cluster the agglomeration effect appeared to be negative and for those outside the industry cluster it was positive. The information about the sustainability of the localization effects can be useful for policymakers, while stimulating the development of certain industries or territories. The results can also be helpful for further research with the goal to identify an optimal agglomeration structure and optimal distribution of companies across regions.
- Артём Демьяненко, доклад на тему: «Regional Effects of Fiscal Policy: Analysis with Spatial Vector Autoregressive Models».
This paper attempts to assess the impact of fiscal policy measures in the regions of Russia on GRP. Interest in studying issues related to fiscal policy in the Russian Federation is largely due to recent government decisions in this field, for example, an increase in the VAT interest rate and significant budgetary spending for the implementation of national projects. The Russian Federation units are very different from each other in terms of socio-economic indicators. Therefore, the study of their reaction to the common fiscal policy is very important. Recent studies on the estimation of fiscal policy multipliers at the US state level emphasize the importance of consideration of spillover effects in the model. While in the Russian researches this issue was considered only at the national level. We used panel data for 80 Russian regions to build a spatial vector autoregression model that allows for spillover effects by using a first order contiguity matrix. Having analyzed the impulse response functions of the GRP to the shock of an increase in expenditures in each main category of the consolidated budgets of the regions by 1%, we have shown that expenditures on the national economy, general government issues and healthcare are among the most effective ones. Additionally, rather high values of the response at the zero time point were observed, which may indirectly indicate the procyclical nature of fiscal policy in Russian regions.
See extended abstract.
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