8 февраля состоялся научный семинар исследовательской рабочей группы «Центр пространственной эконометрики в прикладных макроэкономических исследованиях».
С докладом выступил:
Антон Салов – аспирант ИРГ ЦеПЭПМИ
Тема доклада:
«Rail transit and spatial structure of Paris metropolitan region»
This paper analyses the role of railroad development in employment subcentre formation in the Paris metropolitan area between 1968 and 2018. Over half a century, approximately 1.5 million new jobs were created, however, their spatial distribution across the Ile-de-France region was uneven. Paris intra-muros has lost 123,000 jobs for the 50-year period, while the Grande Couronne (remote periphery) accounted for 2/3 of employment growth. These dramatic changes in the geography of employment in the Paris metropolitan region were coupled with cardinal alterations in railroad transportation whose network has expanded and whose branches have been intertwined in order to improve population mobility and to some extent decentralise capital area in favour of development of peripheral territories. The construction of the Réseau Express Régional (RER) on the basis of 19th century railroads together with formation of the Transilien network were stepping stones towards today's efficient rapid transit system. Our investigation corroborates the decisive role of RER in fostering employment and in the emergence of employment subcentres. Specifically, the proximity to a railway station boost employment in the commune. For RER stations, this effect is more substantial and heterogeneous across space, being of greater magnitude for municipalities more distant from CBD. Furthermore, the presence of a railway station within a commune’s boundaries increase its probability of being (part of) a subcentre from 19.3% to 41.3% depending on the period. Moreover, this effect is of greater magnitude for the presence of a RER station within a municipality's borders (53.2%-76.1%). Interestingly, we cannot confirm whether the influence of a railway station on subcentre formation spills over the edge of a commune where it is located.
Запись выступления доступна в разделе "Научные семинары" исследовательской рабочей группы.