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26 апреля состоялся научный семинар исследовательской рабочей группы «Центр пространственной эконометрики в прикладных макроэкономических исследованиях»

С докладом выступил:
Кази Сохаг – доцент кафедры экономики УрФУ, старший научный сотрудник Школы экономики и менеджмента УрФУ

Тема доклада:
«Do Autonomous Anti-Corruption Entities Improve Governance? A Counterfactual Analysis»


Insidious exercises of public officials and other private entities ubiquitous in developing countries mandate a healing entity, namely an autonomous Anti-corruption Commission, for improving governance dynamism. Given this case, we measure the treatment effect of the Anti-Corruption Commission (mostly autonomous entity) on the control of corruption (CoC), government effectiveness (GE), regulatory quality (RQ), the rule of law (RL), government stability (GS), and voice and accountability (VA). We consider 46 developing countries as our treatment group, while we consider 127 countries as the control group from 1996 to 2019. The year of establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission varies from country to country; hence, we apply the Generalized Synthetic Control Approach considering time relative to treatment incorporating the Commission's several functions, including investigation, prevention, and prosecution. Our empirical finding shows that the treatment effect is insignificantly counterproductive to improving CoC and GS. We also find that the treatment effect of the Commission is detrimental to government effectiveness (GE) and regulatory quality (RQ). However, the Anti-Corruption Commission is found to be slightly supportive of the rule of law. We re-estimated our model considering the United Nations (UN)’s Anti-corruption Convention as a treatment effect. Our analysis demonstrates that the treatment group experiences a relative improvement in CoC, VA, and GS. Therefore, we suggest exercising the UN Convention against Corruption to fortify the Anti-corruption Commission body’s prerogative power in improving governance quality in developing countries.

Презентация доступна в разделе "Научные семинары" исследовательской рабочей группы.