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Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance

Ajsmontas B., Alekhina S., Aleksandrova L. et al.

Springer, 2024.

Multidimensional stable driven McKean–Vlasov SDEs with distributional interaction kernel: a regularization by noise perspective
In press

Chaudru de Raynal P., Jabir J. M., Menozzi S.

Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations. 2024. P. 1-54.

Book chapter
The Development of Assistive Technologies and Its Role Towards Successful Inclusion: The Case of Russia

Sinyavskaya O., Pishnyak A., Cherviakova A. A. et al.

In bk.: Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance. Springer, 2024. P. 139-167.

HSE Students Investigate International Academic Mobility Opportunities

On June 23, an international academic mobility fair took place at HSE. Over 25 universities from Europe, USA, China and Japan took part in the event.

This fair was the first to bring representatives of HSE’s international partner universities together to meet HSE students and tell them about their programmes and answer questions about opportunities to study at their universities under student exchange programmes.

‘The fair allows students to meet representatives of partner universities, and ask them questions’, said Yulia Grinkevich, HSE Director of Internationalisation.

Some of the international universities’ representatives were HSE students who had already studied abroad on exchange programmes. For example, German Gulyamov, third-year Applied Mathematics student at HSE, studied at Humboldt University of Berlin from September 2016 to March 2017. He chose an undergraduate programme that is mostly German-taught, but, he noted, lecturers agreed to give classes in English at the international student’s request.

Anastasia Petrova, HSE graduate in Business Informatics, spent a summer semester at the University of Passau (Germany). She said she found the programme very useful and said she had come to the fair in choose an MA programme.

As of today, HSE has signed about 70 agreements with international universities, under which students of any HSE programme from any campus apply for the academic mobility competition. In addition, some HSE faculties have signed additional agreements with specific departments of international universities.