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International Scientific Conference

Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade (DEGIT XXIII)


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Dear colleagues,
The registration for the conference DEGIT XXIII is open.
The registration deadline is July, 20.
Please, follow this link to register and pay the registration fee
Looking forward to seeing you in Moscow!
– DEGIT XXIII Organising committee

XXIII conference on Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade (DEGIT-XXIII) will be held in Moscow at National Research University Higher School of Economics from September 6 to September 7, 2018.

Economists working in the field of economic growth and international trade are invited to submit a paper or an abstract of at least 200 words for presentation at the Moscow conference. Papers focusing on the global economy, trade dynamics, regional economics, international migration, equilibrium growth, sustainability, political economy of growth and development, international governance, transition economics, optimal control, stochastic dynamics, and other topics relevant to economic growth and development are welcome. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered for presentation at the conference.

The conference will include as keynote speakers:

Daniel Ahn (Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, USA)

Miklós Koren (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary)

Gerhard Sorger (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria) 

Natalya Volchkova (New Economic School, Moscow, Russia)


Prospective participants should submit a draft version of the paper or an abstract of at least 200 words by e-mail to degit2018@gmail.com no later than June 01, 2018.   Please include with your draft/abstract a cover page with your name, title, affiliation, address, phone number, and e-mail address.

 Time Schedule:

June 01, 2018 (extended) – Deadline for submissions

June 04, 2018 – Notification of acceptance to the author

 CONFERENCE FEE:  12000 RUR   (about 160 euros)

This conference is a sequel to the DEGIT conferences held in Denmark (1996), Hong Kong (1997), Taiwan (1998), Tilburg (1999), Rome (2000), Vienna (2001), Cologne (2002), Helsinki (2003), Reykjavik (2004), Mexico City (2005), Jerusalem (2006), Melbourne (2007), Manila (2008), Los Angeles (2009), Frankfurt (2010). St. Petersburg (2011), Milan (2012), Lima (2013) Nashville (2014), Geneva (2015), Nottingham (2016), Paris (2017).