META 2023
Our research and study group took an active part in X International Conference on Modern Econometric Tools and Applications. The conference was held from 4th to 7th of October at Nizhny Novgorod campus of HSE University.

iCEBA 2023
Our research and study group took part in the 3rd International Conference on Econometrics and Business Analytics, held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from September 28 to October 1.

REC 2023
Our research and study group took an active part in the 5th Russian Economic Congress, which was held in Ekatirinburg on September 11–15 in a online and offline format.

ERSA 2023
Our research and study group took part in the 62nd ERSA Congress, held in Alicante, Spain from August 28 to September 1. The Congress was held in a hybrid format, during the work various problems of the development of regions and cities were discussed.

Summer School on Spatial Research «Granberg Days»
Anastasiia Sherubneva participated in the 1st Granberg school-symposium for young scientists on spatial research «Granberg days - 2023». The summer school was held by the Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk State University in the period of July 10–15.