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Regular version of the site
Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance

Ajsmontas B., Alekhina S., Aleksandrova L. et al.

Springer, 2024.

An optimal multibarrier strategy for a singular stochastic control problem with a state-dependent reward

Junca M., Moreno-Franco H. A., Pérez J.

Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 2024. Vol. 90.

Book chapter
Higher education and regional elite formation in Russia

Aleksei Egorov, Sergey Malinovskiy.

In bk.: Assessing the Contributions of Higher Education: Knowledge for a Disordered World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. Ch. 14. P. 286-299.

Working paper
Decompounding under general mixing distributions

Belomestny D., Morozova E., Panov V.

math.ST. arXiv.org. Cornell University, 2024. No. 2405.05419.

Mini Course by Paul Deheuvels

On November 6-16 Paul Deheuvels, member of the French Academy of Sciences, delivered a mini course ‘On Copulæ and their Applications’. The event was organized by the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications. The course theme is closely connected with the new master’s programme in Statistical Modelling and Actuarial Calculations (Academic Supervisor - Valentin Konakov). 

On November 6-16 Paul Deheuvels, member of the French Academy of Sciences, delivered a mini course ‘On Copulæ and their Applications’. The event was organized by the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications. The course theme is closely connected with the new master’s programme in Statistical Modelling and Actuarial Calculations (Academic Supervisor - Valentin Konakov). 

During the lectures Professor Paul Deheuvels spoke not only about  theoretical properties of copulas, but also gave examples of their application, based on working on actuarial calculations in insurance companies.