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The 9th session of the seminar 'Quaternions, geometric algebras, and applications' took place

Kamron Abdulkhaev (HSE University) gave a talk 'On the Inverse Element Formula in Clifford Algebras in the Case n≤7'.

The 8th session of the seminar 'Quaternions, geometric algebras, and applications' took place

Heerak Sharma (IISER, Pune, India) gave a talk 'Special Basis in Commutative Analogues of Clifford Algebras and their Irreducible Real Representations'.

The 7th session of the seminar 'Quaternions, geometric algebras, and applications' took place

Sofiia Rumiantseva (HSE University) gave a talk 'Invariance of the Multidimensional Dirac—Hestenes Equation under Lorentz Transformations'.

Congratulations to Laboratory Staff Member Ekaterina Filimoshina on Winning the Student Research Paper Competition 2024!

Ekaterina Filimoshina, a staff member of the Laboratory for Geometric Algebra and Applications, won the Student Research Paper Competition 2024 in the field of Computer Science.

Illustration for news: The School for Students and Young Scientists 'Quaternions, Geometric Algebras, and Applications' was held

The School for Students and Young Scientists 'Quaternions, Geometric Algebras, and Applications' was held

From November 15 to 17, 2024, the School 'Quaternions, Geometric Algebras, and Applications' took place, organized as part of the corresponding Mirror Laboratories project.

The 6th session of the seminar 'Quaternions, geometric algebras, and applications' took place

Heerak Sharma (IISER, Pune, India) gave a talk 'More representations of commutative analogues of Clifford algebras and notion of eigenvalues in them'.

D. Shirokov and E. Filimoshina took part in the School for Scientific Leaders and the IV Congress of Young Scientists.

D. Shirokov and E. Filimoshina participated in the School for Scientific Leaders (November 24-29, Sochi) and the IV Congress of Young Scientists (November 27-29, Sirius, Sochi).

The 5th session of the seminar 'Quaternions, geometric algebras, and applications' took place

Heerak Sharma (IISER, Pune, India) gave a talk 'On trace, determinant, other coefficients of characteristic polynomials in commutative analogues of Clifford algebras'.

The 4th session of the seminar 'Quaternions, geometric algebras, and applications' took place

Zhang Dong (NEFU) presented a talk 'Development of Quaternion Matrix Decomposition Algorithms and Their Applications'.

The 3rd session of the seminar 'Quaternions, geometric algebras, and applications' took place

Sofiia Rumiantseva (HSE University) gave a talk 'On Multidimensional Dirac—Hestenes Equation in Geometric Algebras'.