Доклады Кристины Денисовой и Руслана Богатырева
На встрече рабочей группы 6 апреля Кристина Денисова представила свою магистерскую работу о манипулировании поиском со стороны платформы, а Богатырев Руслан представил свою модель локально-глобальной конкуренции в сложном городе.
1) Денисова Кристина Сергеева: Consumer Search Analysis and Strategic Behavior of Agents on Online Platforms
Аннотация:Online platform acts like an intermediary between consumers and firms. This role gives an opportunity to manipulate consumers’ search process who look for a good sequentially. We assume that platforms can change search costs and shrink the observable range of prices for customers. As a result, there are two groups of people (shop-lovers and shop-haters) who respond differently for changes. According to the model if a platform increases search costs, both groups will search not so intensively. However, this fact increase utility for shop-haters and decrease utility for shop-lovers.
2) Богатырев Руслан Антонович: Analysis of Equilibrium Under Local and Global Competition in a Complex City Model
Аннотация: The model represents the structure of a complex city divided into several districts. The type of location of firms and the heterogeneity of buyers entails price inequality and causes both local and global competition. The model allows to analyze the spatial distribution of prices, as well as to find out the consequences of the development of the city's infrastructure, changes in transport tariffs and the level of public awareness.