Выступление аспирантки ИРГ Дарьи Табашниковой на научном семинаре Департамента теоретической экономики
На регулярном научном семинаре Департамента теоретической экономики 13 февраля Табашникова Дарья представила своё исследование о выборе оптимального формата турнира на выбывание.
Тема: " The optimal design of elimination tournaments with a superstar "
Аннотация: We study single- and double-elimination tournaments with heterogeneous players of two types: regular players and a superstar. Players choose efforts in each match with linear costs, winning with a probability calculated with the Tullock success function. We consider several designer maximization problems: total efforts, probability of winning the strongest player, and a weighted composed function. We show that a double-elimination tournament is less profitable in most cases, except when the tournament organizer is concerned about the probability that the superstar wins the tournament.