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Regular version of the site
Jan 22 – Mar 1
An Approach to Estimating the Economic Expediency of Developing a New Cargo Transport Hub by a Regional Public Administration

Belenky A., Fedin G., Kornhauser A.

International Journal of Public Administration. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 13. P. 1076-1089.

Book chapter
A note on subspaces of fixed grades in Clifford algebras

Shirokov D.

In bk.: AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2328: ICMM-2020. AIP Publishing LLC, 2021. Ch. 060001. P. 060001-1-060001-4.

Working paper
On compact 4th order finite-difference schemes for the wave equation

Zlotnik A., Kireeva O.

math. arXiv. Cornell University, 2020. No. arXiv:2011.14104v2[math.NA].

Participation in International Conferences


Fuad T. Aleskerov
Presentation of the report "Network models in the tasks of analyzing socio-economic systems" at the Lecture Hall of the HSE School of Economics, 30.01.2024

 Presentation of the report "Some mathematical models and methods in political sciences" at the XI Saturday Political Science Readings "Modern Political Science: stagnation or development?" at the Presidential Academy, 03/02/2024

 Presentation at the adaptation seminar for research interns "The history of birth and solving scientific problems", HSE, 04/17/2024

Presentation at the IPSA-RC 23 webinar with the report “Polarization of society and patterns of electoral behavior", 05/07/2024

Presentation at the BRICS Academic Forum with the report "Network analysis of students mobility in BRICS countries", Moscow, 22-24.05.2024

 Presentation of the report "Network analysis of international conflicts" at the conference Group Decisions and Negotiations – 2024, Porto, Portugal, 04.06

 Presentation at the Azerbaijan Technical University with an overview report on the work of the International Center for Analysis and Choice of Solutions of the Higher School of Economics, Baku, 12.06

 Presentation of the report "Models for Analysis of Consumers' Behavior for a Large Retail Network», International Conference “Optimization, Analytics, and Decisions in the Big Data Era. In Honor of the 70-th Birthday of Panos Pardalos”, Halkidiki, Greece, 17-21.06.2024

 Presentation of the report "Evaluation of the regional situation under volcanic eruption and corresponding decisions", Dynamic of Disasters-2024, Wien, Austria, 30.07-08/02/2024

 Presentation at the ITQM-2024 conference with the report "Network analysis of economic sectors in the world economy", co-authors Fuad Aleskerov, Yetkin Cinar, Ivan Deseatnicov, Elena Sergeeva, Daniil Tkachev, Vyacheslav Yakuba, Bucharest, 08/23/2024

 Presentation of the report "Network analysis in conditions of deep uncertainty.

The problem of food security", V Northern Forum on Sustainable Development, Yakutsk, September 24-27, 2024

 Lecture at the HSE Autumn School "Decision Theory and other issues of modern applied Mathematics in Economics, proposed in an entertaining and accessible form for high school students", October 2024, https://economics.hse.ru/io/news/980178890.html

 Report "Modern methods of data analysis and decision-making" at the HSE seminar, 11.11 https://disk .yandex.ru/i/55UrovEH24GQ-A


Vladimir A. Gordin

 Report at the XXV International Conference "Nonlinear problems of the theory of hydrodynamic stability – 2024": Complex coefficient of turbulent exchange in the boundary layer of the Earth's atmosphere (modification of the Akerblom—Ekman model)

 Report "On assessments of climate change in Russia and adjacent territories" at the conference with international participation at the Higher School of Economics

 Report (jointly with M.A.Smirnov) plenary report "On statistical estimates of climate change" for the conference with international participation "Nonlinear problems of geophysical Hydrodynamics" at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics

 Report at the K.Babenko scientific seminar at the Institute of Applied Mathematics named after Keldysh. The complex coefficient of turbulent exchange based on high-resolution sensing data of the Earth's atmosphere (modification of the Akerblom—Ekman model)

On the assessment of climate change in Russia and the surrounding areas – lecture for students and staff of Phystech

  Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (now a branch of the Institute of Atomic Energy). Kurchatov) The report "Random walks (a game with finite capitals)"

  Seminar "Applications of Mathematics", HSE Faculty of Mathematics. "Mathematical problems of weather and climate forecasting".

  The report "It is better to take the coefficient of turbulent exchange as a complex one. According to high—resolution sensing data of the Earth's atmosphere (modification of the wind model in the Akerblom-Ekman boundary layer)"at the conference in memory of S.S. Moiseev on the 95th anniversary of his birth "Wave transformation, coherent structures and turbulence". 11/26/2024 Space Research Institute.

  Workshop of the Laboratory of Big data analysis methods. Higher School of Economics. "Tasks of forecasting and assessment of climate change"

Report at the XXV International Conference "Nonlinear problems of the theory of hydrodynamic stability – 2024": Complex coefficient of turbulent exchange in the boundary layer of the Earth's atmosphere (modification of the Akerblom—Ekman model)

XXXIII Scientific Session of the RAS Council on Nonlinear Dynamics. 17.12.2024.

Gordin V.A. Compact relations between averaged and local values of functions. Analysis of numerical satellite information

 Alexander Zlotnik

 Conference "Computational Mathematics and Applications", 05.08-09.08.2024, uts. Sirius, Sirius International Mathematical Center. Report: "Compact schemes of the 4th order of accuracy for the acoustic wave equation with a variable speed of sound."

XIII All-Russian Conference "Current Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics", 02-08.09.2024, Dzhankhot, Krasnodar region. Report: "Semi-explicit vector compact method for solving the wave equation".

IX All-Russian Scientific Conference "Thermophysics and Physical Fluid Dynamics", 08-15.09.2024, Sochi. Report: "Quasi-homogeneous form of a system of four equations for the dynamics of heterogeneous mixtures of gases and liquids, its regularization and implementation".

Conference "Computational classical and multiphase hydrodynamics and thermomechanics of continuous media", 04.11-08.11.2024, uts. Sirius, Sirius International Mathematical Center. Report: "Quasi-homogeneous form of a system of four equations for the dynamics of heterogeneous mixtures of gases and liquids, its regularization and application".


  The Tenth China-Russia Conference on Numerical Algebra with Applications (CRC-NAA'24) (Vladivostok). Report: On a semi-explicit fourth-order vector compact scheme for the acoustic wave equation

  XI International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics" (Baku). Доклад: Modeling of multicell colony functioning underprogrammed cell death (Apoptosis)

Nikolay L. Polyakov 
XVI International Summer School-Conference «Problems allied to Model Theory and Universal Algebra», Erlagol-2024, July 8 – 13, Novosibirsk.

Plenary report: Ultrafilter extensions of infinitary functions: universal algebraic aspects.

XXIII International Conference «Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Geometry and Multiscale Modeling modern problems and applications, and problems of history» dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor A. I. Galochkin and the 75th anniversary of Professor V. G. Chirsky, October 29 — 31, Tula.
Report: On the Canonical Ramsey Theorem of Erdos and Rado and some of Its generalizations

Andrey Subochev
17th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Paris, France, July 3-6, 2024 

"S-stable tournament solutions: review and new results"
19th European Meeting on Game Theory SING-19, Besançon, France, July 8-10, 2024 

"S-stable tournament solutions: review and new results"

Dmitrii Shirokov
The International Conference on Hypercomplex Analysis and its Applications – Celebrating Paula Cerejeiras’ 60th birthday, March 18–22, 2024, Aveiro, Portugal, talk: On grade automorphism and unitary groups in ternary Clifford Algebras, https://sites.google.com/view/ichaa-2024

 International conference “Modern computational technologies of mathematical modeling” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor V.I. Vasil’ev, June 4–9, 2024, Yakutsk, Russia, talk: On singular value decomposition in Clifford algebras, http://multiscalemr.ru/ru/svtmm/
International Conference “Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2024”, Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics & Engineering (ENGAGE) Workshop, July 1–5, 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, talk: On SU(3) in Ternary Clifford Algebra, http://www.cgs-network.org/cgi24/
International Conference “Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2024”, Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics & Engineering (ENGAGE) Workshop, July 1–5, 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, talk (joint talk with E. Filimoshina): Generalized Degenerate Clifford and Lipschitz Groups
International Conference “Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2024”, Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics & Engineering (ENGAGE) Workshop, July 1–5, 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, talk (joint talk with S. Rumyantseva): On Multidimensional Dirac–Hestenes Equation in Geometric Algebra
The 33rd/35th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (ICGTMP, Group33/35), July 15–19, 2024, Cotonou, Benin, talk: On calculation of spin group elements,
The 9th Conference on Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering (AGACSE 2024), August 27–29, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands, talk: On rank of multivectors in geometric
algebras, https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/l.dorst/AGACSE2024/
 The 9th Conference on Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering (AGACSE 2024), August 27–29, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands, talk (joint talk with S. Rumyantseva): On multidimensional Dirac-Hestenes equation
 The 9th Conference on Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering (AGACSE 2024), August 27–29, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands, talk (joint talk with E. Filimoshina): On
Generalized Degenerate Lipschitz and Spin Groups
The 9th Conference on Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering (AGACSE 2024), August 27–29, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands, talk (joint talk with Heerak Sharma, Best Poster Prize): Inverse of a Multivector
 School for students and young scientists “Quaternions, geometric algebras and applications”, November 15–17, 2024, HSE University, Moscow, Russia, talk (joint talk with E. Filimoshina): Fundamental operations in Clifford algebras and their relation to matrices, https://economics.hse.ru/en/gaaschool2024

  Seminar "Clifford Algebras and Applications", March 14, 2024, HSE University, Moscow, Russia, talk: On graded automorphism and unitary Lie groups in ternary Clifford algebras, https://economics.hse.ru/clifford/seminar

  Visiting School of Scientific Leaders, Sirius, Sochi, Russia, November 24–30, 2024, https://eventscientists.ru/, participant (no talk).

IV Young Scientists Congress, Sirius, Sochi, Russia, November 27–29, 2024, https://congress.10nauki.ru/, participant (no talk).


Fuad T. Aleskerov

Models and methods of decision-making under conditions of deep uncertainty (Moscow). Report: Network analysis in conditions of deep uncertainty: the problem of Food security

 Mathematical Economics (Moscow). Report: Network analysis in conditions of deep uncertainty: the problem of food security

 The first conference in memory of honorary academician of the RAASN Mark Yakovlevich Vilner (Moscow). Report: Oil spills and the ecology of the Arctic seas

 Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation (Tokyo). Report: Network analysis. Decision making under deep uncertainty support

 Fifth Russian Economic Congress (REC-2023) (Ekaterinburg). Report: Pattern analysis of Russian banks in the period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2017-2021)

 Adam Smith seminar (Munich). Report: Food Security under Deep Uncertainty

 Lomonosov readings at the Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University (Moscow). Report: Critical Product Networks in Conditions of Deep Uncertainty

 Azerbaijan Economic University (Baku). Report: Network analysis under conditions of deep uncertainty. Food security problem

 Eurasian Research Center (Ufa). Report: Stories of the birth and solution of scientific problems

 International Scientific and Practical Conference «Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Aerospace Problems» (Baku). Report: Choice Procedures in Big Data Analysis

 6th International Conference on Dynamics of Disasters, DOD 2023 (Athens). Report: Network analysis of disasters’ consequences under deep uncertainty

 Seminare Mathematique Discrete, Optimization, Decision (Paris). Report: Some urgent problems in Arctic

 Exact Sciences (Munich). Report: Network analysis of food security

 Adam Smith seminar (Munich). Доклад: Network Analysis of Food Security under Deep Uncertainty and two more models

Timofey Lomonosov
First Russian conference on Wolfram Mathematica technologies (St. Petersburg). Report: Using the Wolfram Language for linearization of quasilinear systems based on modern derivatives

XII All-Russian Conference “Current Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”, dedicated to the memory of Academician A.F. Sidorov (Dzhankhot). Report: Entropy-correct spatial discretizations of 1D regularized systems of equations for the dynamics of gas mixtures

I All-Russian school-seminar of the Scientific Center for Mathematical Modeling on mathematical modeling on supercomputers with exa- and zettaflops performance (Sarov). Report: Multiprocessor verification on CPU and GPU of a time-explicit vector compact circuit for solving a multidimensional wave equation

Alexey L.Myachin

XXIV Yasinsk (April) international conference on problems of economic and social development (Moscow). Presentation: Combined use of latent class analysis and pattern analysis methods in searching for patterns in heterogeneous data

Nikolay L. Polyakov 

 Boundary questions of model theory and universal algebra (Novosibirsk). Presentation: On ultrafiltration extensions of some algebraic constructions and their combinatorial applications

International Conference on Topology and its Applications (Nafpaktos ). Presentation: Relations on ultrafiltars between the Rudin-Keisler and Comfort preorders

Daniil Tkachev

All-Moscow scientific seminar "Mathematical methods for analyzing decisions in economics, business and politics", January 18, 2023. Report: Network analysis in conditions of deep uncertainty: the problem of food security.

Lecture "Predict the unpredictable. How to make decisions in the face of a complete lack of information", Lecture Hall of the Economic School of the FES National Research University Higher School of Economics, 01/30/2023

Seminar "Mathematical Economics" CEMI RAS, February 14, 2023. Co-author of the report: Network analysis in conditions of deep uncertainty: the problem of food security.

Adam Smith Seminar, March 27, 2023. Co-author of the report: Food Security under Deep Uncertainty.

All-Moscow scientific seminar “Expert assessments and data analysis”, 04/26/2023. Report: Food security – a survey

Sergey Shvydun

 XXIV Yasinskaya (April) international scientific conference on problems of economic and social development (Moscow). Report: Centrality in network structures and its properties

  Dmitrii Shirokov

 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics (Marrakesh). Presentation: On some Lie groups in degenerate geometric algebras

The 13th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics (Holon). Presentation: On constant solutions of the Yang–Mills–Dirac equations

The 13th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics (Holon). Presentation: On some Lie groups in degenerate and non-degenerate Clifford algebras

The 13th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics (Holon). Presentation: Basis-Free Formulas for Characteristic Polynomial Coefficients in Clifford Algebras

III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis” (Dolgoprudny). Presentation: Classification of all constant solutions of SU(2) Yang–Mills equations

The Second International Conference on W.K. Clifford’s Geometric Algebra and Geographic Information Science (Nanking). Presentation: On singular value decomposition and its modifications in geometric algebras

Computer Graphics International 2023 (Shanghai). Presentation: On Singular Value Decomposition and Polar Decomposition in Geometric Algebras



Sergey Demin. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (Oradea). Presentation: Short-Term Covid-19 Incidence Prediction in Countries Using Clustering and Regression Analysis

 21st International Conference on Informatics in Economics (Bucharest). Presentation: Models for an Analysis of Companies’ Transactions in the Large Commercial Bank of Russia

 Alexander Lepskiy. International Conference on Belief Functions (Paris). Presentation: Cluster Decomposition of the Body of Evidence

 International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (Beijing). Presentation: On Optimal Blurring of Point Expert Estimates and their Aggregation in the Framework of Evidence Theory

 Timofey Lomonosov. The 9th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations (Moscow). Presentation: “On algebraic approach in finding particular solutions of certain nonhomogeneous ODEs”

 All-Russian Scientific Conference «Theoretical grounds of constructing numerical algorithms and solving problems of mathematical physics» in memory of K.I. Babenko (Puschino). Presentation: «L2-dissipativity of linearized explicit difference scheme on staggered meshes for 1D equations of barotropic gas dynamics with regularization»

 Alexey L. Myachin.  9th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC) (Oradea). Presentation: Short-Term Covid-19 Incidence Prediction in Countries Using Clustering and Regression Analysis

 Computing Conference 2022 (SAI) (London). Presentation: Finding Structurally Similar Objects Based on Data Sorting Methods.


 XXX EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON ECONOMIC THEORY (Warsaw). Presentation: What aggregation rules can be classified as logical concepts?

 Sergey Shvydun. ICCCC2022: 2022 9th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC) (Oradea). Presentation: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Air Transportation Network

 Dmitrii Shirokov.  Computer Graphics International 2022 (Geneva). Presentation: On Noncommutative Vieta Theorem in Geometric Algebras

 International Conference of Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (Denver). Presentation: On some Lie groups in degenerate geometric algebras

 A. S. Fedchenko  All-Russian scientific conference "Theoretical foundations for the design of numerical algorithms and solving problems of mathematical physics", dedicated to the memory of K.I.  Babenko.  (Pushchino).  Presentation: "On the properties of an aggregated quasigasdynamic system of equations for a homogeneous gas mixture".


Alexander Zlotnik  All-Russian Scientific Conference "Theoretical fundamentals of designing numerical algorithms and solving problems of mathematical physics", Pushchino, 24.08.2022 - 26.08.2022. Report: On parabolic and hyperbolic 2nd order perturbations of a symmetric hyperbolic 1st order system

Andrey Subochev  23rd Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Report:Stable tournament solutions as tools for optimal decision-making: Extensions of the bipartisan set to the case of incomplete preferences


 Nikolay Pravdivets The 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (Nantes, France). Presentation: Simulation Approach for Day-Ahead Production Scheduling of a Power Plant


 The 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (Nantes, France). Presentation: Comparison of mathematical programming models for optimization of transshipment point seaport - railway


 15-th Multiconference on Management Problems (МКПУ-2022) (Saint-Petersburg, Russia). Presentation: Models in the problem of multimodal transportation in a transshipment point from sea to rail transport






INFORMS Annual Meeting(online , October 24-27, 2021)

Sergey Demin.Report: Everything has its own time: a time to hug and a time to stop hugging (Ecclesiastes 3)

Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, 6th International Conference, BELIEF 2021(online , October 15-19, 2021)
Alexander Lepskiy. Report: A measure of the conflict of trust functions with blurred focal elements on the real axis

International Conference ''Marchuk Scientific Readings 2021''(Novosibirsk, Russia , October 4-8, 2021)

Dmitrii Shirokov. Report: Hyperbolic SVD for obtaining solutions of SU(2) Yang-Mills equations

The 8th Conference on Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering(Brno, Czech Republic, September 6-10, 2021)
Dmitrii Shirokov. Report: On Lie groups defining inner automorphisms that leave invariant fundamental subspaces of geometric algebra

Computer Graphics International 2021(Geneva, Switzerland, September 6-10, 2021)

Dmitrii Shirokov. Report: On explicit formulas for characteristic polynomial coefficients in geometric algebras

Fuad T. Aleskerov, Sergey Demin.   Report:  Influence of Potential Oil Spills on Arctic Fauna

Sergey Demin. Report: COVID-19 Quarantine Measures Efficiency Evaluation by Best Tube Interval Data Envelopment Analysis

International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis 2021”
(Dolgoprudny, Russia, June 30-July 9, 2021)


Dmitrii Shirokov. Report: On constant solutions of the Yang–Mills–Dirac equations

XXII April International Scientific Conference on the Development of the Economy and Society (Moscow, Russia, April 13-30, 2021)
Nikolay L. Polyakov. Report: One a class of non-local aggregation rules

KES International COVID-19 Challenge: Moving towards a more sustainable world - International Virtual Summit (online, March 29, 2021)
Sergey Demin.  Report: Three models of the analysis of the pandemic: a quarantine measures aggregation and a life-cycle model, a short-term COVID-19 incidence prediction in countries, and a quarantine measures efficiency assessment by Data Envelopment Analysis

Annual Interuniversity Scientific and Technical Conference of students, postgraduates and Young specialists named after E.V.Armensky (Moscow, Russia, March 10-17, 2021)
Anna Fedchenko. Report: Linearized quasi-hydrodynamic system of equations of a homogeneous gas mixture and its dissipativity

World Congress on Global Optimization (Gainesville, Florida - USA, Feb 22-25, 2015)
