The Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCE) was created on November 1, 2019 as a part of the Department of Statistics and Data Analysis, Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) (order No. 6.18.1-01 / 3110-16 of 10.31.2019). The head of the ESCE is Doctor of Economics, Professor Surinov Alexander Evgenievich.
The establishment of the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence at the HSE forms an institutional basis for the research in the theory of economic statistics in Russia.
ESCE is a unit which mission is to conduct researches in the field of economic statistics and data analysis, including expertise of decisions on organization of statistical observations and applied methods, dissemination of statistical knowledge in the Russian society. The ESCE organizes and conducts fundamental and applied research, carries out experimental and pilot statistical measurements, expert analytical and consulting activities, disseminates knowledge of the statistical method among the users of statistical information.
The ESCE’s developments foster the widespread use in economic modelling, forecasting and analysis of the methodology of the System of National Accounts and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting, satellite accounts, tables, balances and matrices giving detailed description of various aspects of the economic and social environment, considering urgent challenges such as digitalization, globalization, non-monetary factors of economic growth and welfare, global value added chains, etc.

Graduate Admission and Scholarship Applications
Graduate school admission 2024 is in full swing in Moscow at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. We offer scholarships and they are distributed fast. We invite the best prepared students to apply ASAP to be considered for funding!