Graduate Admission and Scholarship Applications
Graduate school admission 2024 is in full swing in Moscow at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. We offer scholarships and they are distributed fast. We invite the best prepared students to apply ASAP to be considered for funding!
We invite soon to be graduates and alumni to apply online via link. We offer two program with five tracks in English:
Economics and Economic Policy Master program offers two tracks in English: Applied Economics Track, Economics Research Track (including Behavioral Economics specialization)
Strategic Corporate Finance Master program offers three tracks in English: Behavioral finance and Asset Pricing (research), Fund raising, capital structure and payout policy (general) and Investment decisions, Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring (general)
Master programs leaflet Faculty of Economic Sciences Brochure Presentation
More programs taught in Russian offer free Russian prep year for the full scholarship recipients:
Stochastic Modeling in Economics and Finance
Statistical Analysis in Economics
Financial Markets and Institutions
Admission 2024 opens in Moscow first November, 2023! We offer scholarships and they are distributed fast. We invite the best prepared students to apply early to be considered for funding.
Moscow-based Faculty of Economic Sciences at the National Research University Higher School of Economics invites highly motivated international students who excel in math and are interested in studying economics or finance to apply for bachelor and master studies in economics, statistics, and finance. Soon-to-be graduates who expect to graduate by summer 2023 apply online with the current transcript via link to start the program in September 2023. A few programs are offered in English. For those who would like to study in Russian and English, a Preparatory year to study Russian language is offered.
Our graduates landed jobs at companies, as well as 've been hired by World Bank, IMF, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, ING, J.P. Morgan, Accenture, Oliver Wyman, BCG, Roland Berger, ATKearney, KPMG, Russian Central Bank, and Ministry of Economy, and an entire host of other companies and funds. They opened many successful startups in many business areas. About a 150 graduates continued to study at Ph.D. programs in top universities, with more than 20 graduates admitted in the last two years. Even more graduates of bachelor programs continue their education at HSE master programs or abroad. Some of the alumni now work at HSE as professors, TAs, and staff.
We offer scholarships for 8 tracks of two master’s programs taught in English:
Strategic Corporate Finance Economics and Economics Policy
To study at the Faculty of Economic Sciences students need to have strong quantitative skills, solid mathematics background, and be interested in finance and economics. Online registration is open at this page
Graduate study at HSE in Moscow provides students with career development, research venues and employment opportunities. Fellowships available. Affordable and safe dormitories for full scholarship students. Merit-based full and partial scholarships are available.

Scholarships Application
There are three ways to receive a full or partial scholarship, and it is highly advisable to consider applying to all of them. The application is online and free for any international applicant, while application package is the same, so it will not take much of your time.
Application portfolio and interview. When applying online you will be requested to upload your resume, tests, current transcript, a writing sample, and other credentials that may support your case. The program first considers applicants' portfolios and schedules online interviews with those whose applications are competitive. One can improve their chances by taking online classes (with certificate) listed here. Other tools are TOEFL, GRE, and GRE math tests with high scores, coherent motivation letters, and reference letters. GPA is very important, as well. Based on the online portfolio assessment and interview the program can award full or partial tuition fee waiver scholarships. However, since the number of these scholarships is limited it is highly advisable to apply soon.
All applicants are advised to apply also via portal. While not obligatory for some countries it may bring full scholarship to competitive candidates.
Open Doors international Olympiad. Winners get full scholarship awards in relevant programs. Open Doors Olympiad profiles and master programs to receive the full scholarship

Graduate Admissions Webinars: Master Programs
HSE International Student Handbook Campus Virtual Tour
Applicants also can have a one-year, or one-semester preparatory training if they think their Russian language is not enough for academic purposes.
Those interested should email to Oxana P. Budjko