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Regular version of the site
Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance

Ajsmontas B., Alekhina S., Aleksandrova L. et al.

Springer, 2024.

An optimal multibarrier strategy for a singular stochastic control problem with a state-dependent reward

Junca M., Moreno-Franco H. A., Pérez J.

Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 2024. Vol. 90.

Book chapter
Higher education and regional elite formation in Russia

Aleksei Egorov, Sergey Malinovskiy.

In bk.: Assessing the Contributions of Higher Education: Knowledge for a Disordered World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. Ch. 14. P. 286-299.

Working paper
Decompounding under general mixing distributions

Belomestny D., Morozova E., Panov V.

math.ST. arXiv.org. Cornell University, 2024. No. 2405.05419.


Ten Facts about HSE's International Community

Every year, the HSE family welcomes representatives of new countries and becomes more interesting and diverse. On June 4, 2017, international students will talk to visitors about their home countries and introduce them to their cultures at The Whole World at HSE festival. To give you a quick pre-festival snapshot of how international HSE is, we’ve brought together ten facts about the university international life for you.

XVIII April Conference to Discuss ‘Hidden Champions’, Building Social Networks, and the Economics of Sport

From April 11 to 14, HSE is holding its XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Conference Programme Committee members Fuad Alekserov and Andrei Yakovlev discuss the key themes and main reports that will be presented at the conference. This conference will draw around 2,000 people, including 200 international participants.

Spring Student Project Contest Commences

Each year HSE holds the Student Project Contest, which allows projects deemed important for the development of the university at least and all of society at most to receive financial, organisational, or any other type of support to help them succeed.

Two HSE Faculties among Those Most Sought after by Russian Employers

HSE’s Faculty of Business and Management and Faculty of Economic Sciences were in the top three of the faculties most sought after by employers in Russia.

Visit of China Statisticians' Delegation to HSE

On November 15, 2016, the Faculty of Economic Sciences at HSE received a delegation from China's National Bureau of Statistics. At the business meeting, HSE was represented by professors from the  Department of Statistics and Data Analysis: the head of department, V.S. Mkhitaryan; the head of the International Institute for Statistical Education, Ponomarenko A.N.; the academic director of the educational program "Economics and Statistics,” Sirotin V.P.; and professors from the department, Arkhipova M.Yu. and Kuchmaeva O.V.

FES International Research Seminar

We are happy to announce that the Faculty of Economic Sciences is launching a new international seminar series starting from the 2016-2017 academic year. The series will host many established as well as young promising economists from various respectable universities worldwide.

Mini Course by Paul Deheuvels

On November 6-16 Paul Deheuvels, member of the French Academy of Sciences, delivered a mini course ‘On Copulæ and their Applications’. The event was organized by the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications. The course theme is closely connected with the new master’s programme in Statistical Modelling and Actuarial Calculations (Academic Supervisor - Valentin Konakov). 

HSE Alumna on Her Master's Programme in Dortmund

Annika Razroeva, who graduated with her undergraduate degree in 2014 from HSE’s School of Statistics and Data Analysis, discusses her experience in getting her master’s in Dortmund, Germany.

More Cooperation with Researchers from Other Departments

The HSE LooK welcomes aboard Quentin Paris, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics!

International Youth Research and Practice Conference ‘Mathematical Modelling in Economics, Insurance and Risk Management’

On November 5-8, 2014 the third International Youth Research and Practice Conference ‘Mathematical Modelling in Economics, Insurance and Risk Management’ took place in Saratov.