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Студенческие семинары

7 февраля 2018. Политическая экономика санкций

Докладчик: Дарья Пудова

Презентация: Presentation

Sanctions are a foreign policy instrument applied in order to change certain actions and decisions of the target country. They result in economic and political consequences. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of sanctions is still debatable. Thus, the aim of my research is to reveal the impact of sanctions, if there is one, within three chosen aspects: stock prices, regional economies and intergovernmental transfers. In this paper I intend to check whether the companies with state participation in the ownership are more responsive to the situation of high sanctions’ risk. The research is conducted utilizing the novel identification strategy based on the conflict fatalities that increase risk of sanctions and event study analysis applied to stock market returns for firms differently affected that have been successfully applied in the conflict literature, yet have not been employed in relation to sanctions’ studies. The preliminary results from elaborating on the idea that sanctions have an effect on the stock market of a target country demonstrate the steadily negative impact of fatalities in Eastern Ukraine on the Moscow stock exchange securities’ prices.

21 февраля 2018. Консолидация власти в авторитарных режимах

Докладчик: Евгения Митрохина

Презентация:  Presentation


The number of autocracies where leaders take control over the political system has been growing in recent years. Incumbency takeover is possible even in those regimes where existing authoritarian institutions are supposed to limit personal power and to a certain degree alleviate credible commitment problem. These different cases reflect the same tendency of personal power accumulation in authoritarian regimes. Thus, the question that I am intrested in is what determines the transition to personalism.

28 февраля 2018. Почему мы врём?

Докладчик: Алексей Захаров

Презентация:  Presentation



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