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First Graduates of the Online Master's Programme ‘Economic Analysis’ Defend Their Theses

First Graduates of the Online Master's Programme ‘Economic Analysis’ Defend Their Theses
The cost of apartments in Vladivostok, the volatility of cryptocurrencies, the consumption of ferrous metals in different countries, the communications of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the results of state motherhood support measures — these and many other diverse issues were covered in theses by ‘Economic Analysis’ graduates, which they defended in mid-June.

‘Master's Studies Represent Time and Place Which Can Help You Greatly Expand Your Brain Power and Productivity’

‘Master's Studies Represent Time and Place Which Can Help You Greatly Expand Your Brain Power and Productivity’
If you lack confidence, stability and an understanding of how to balance your life in a rapidly changing world, perhaps you should take a closer look at the HSE master's programmes. At the Meetup 2.0, HSE experts, business representatives and students discussed what skills can be upgraded and how a master’s degree can change your career path.

HSE University Ranks Second Among Russian Economics Universities by Graduate Pay

HSE University Ranks Second Among Russian Economics Universities by Graduate Pay
The SuperJob jobhunting and recruitment service has published its 2022 ranking of Russian universities by salary. The results are based on a sample of early-career professionals from the 2016–2021 graduating classes and who are now working in economics and finance. HSE University took second place.

Economic Empowerment at HSE University

Elena Podkolzina (on the right)
HSE University alumna Dr. Elena Podkolzina recently became an academic supervisor of the newly established master's programme in Economics and Economic Policy. Having been part of HSE University for nearly 25 years now, Dr. Podkolzina recalls her student years and shares her experience as deputy director of the Center for Institutional Studies.

‘More and More Often, We Need to Analyse Data That Is Non-Financial’

‘More and More Often, We Need to Analyse Data That Is Non-Financial’
In September, the new HSE online master’s programme in Business Analytics launched on Coursera. Its educational content is close to the practice-oriented on-site HSE master’s programme in Corporate Finance. Graduates of the programme go on to pursue brilliant careers in business, retail, banking and finance, as well as create their own start-ups.

‘The Opening of the Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme Was a Gift from Fate for Me’

Elena Vakulenko
In 2010, HSE University launched the Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme, an innovative programme for doctoral students at that time. At the beginning of 2021, an alumna of the programme’s first cohort became the first programme graduate to earn her Doctor of Sciences degree: Elena Vakulenko, Assistant Professor at HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Sciences. In an interview with HSE News Service, the professor discussed her academic career.

Learning Is The Eye Of The Mind

Learning Is The Eye Of The Mind
Elena Sidorova, a teacher at Moscow campus, talks about her professional interests and career path at HSE.

HSE Congratulates PhD Recipients in 13 Disciplines

HSE Congratulates PhD Recipients in 13 Disciplines
Of the original 300 students enrolled in doctoral programmes set to graduate this year, only 126 reached the final stage of the process—the dissertation defence. While congratulating the recent class of graduates, HSE Vice Rector Vyacheslav Bashev noted that such a large attrition rate testifies to the seriousness of those who have made it to graduation. ‘Though many of you work, you continue to invest in yourselves intellectually,’ he said.

HSE Student Gets into a PhD Programme at Stanford

Each year, scores of HSE students from varying disciplines set off for PhD programmes at some of the best universities in the world. Nadezhda Kotova, who is currently in her final year of the HSE-NES joint programme in economics, tells us how she got into the Stanford Graduate School of Business. 
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