Taking a master's program at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, HSE University Russia was an exciting and memorable experience, getting a unique opportunity to not only pursue high-quality education but also gain valuable experiences and explore diverse cultures for a recent graduate Faiz Arsyad from Indonesia
Поздравляем старшего преподавателя Школы финансов Гусеву Ольгу с успешной защитой кандидатской диссертации!
What are the modern trends in economic education and how are they incorporated in HSE programmes? Why do economists need machine learning and artificial intelligence? Is it necessary to attend lectures and how can students get the most out of their bachelor's programme? How radical are the changes in economic laws that have occurred in recent years? These questions and many other topics were discussed by Sergey Pekarski, Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences (FES), and interns of the Laboratory for Economic Journalism.