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109028, Moscow
Pokrovsky blvd. 11,
Room S-527
Phone: (495) 772-95-99 ext.27502, 27503, 27498

Department Head Svetlana B. Avdasheva
Deputy Department Head Liudmila S. Zasimova
Manager Maxim Shevelev
Academic Star Wars: Excellence Initiatives in Global Perspective
In press

Yudkevich Maria, Altbach P. G., Salmi J.

Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.

Book chapter
Science or industry: Improving the quality of the Russian higher education system

Panova A., Slepyh V.

In bk.: Vocation, Technology & Education. Vol. 1. Iss. 4. Shenzhen Polytechnic University, 2024.

Working paper
Living Standards in the USSR during the Interwar Period

Voskoboynikov I.

Economics/EC. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2023. No. 264.

HSE University Moves all Classes Online: FAQ

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HSE University Moves all Classes Online: FAQ

Starting March 17, HSE University students will study remotely until the end of the academic year. Below you will find answers to faculty and students' most frequently asked questions.

How will the online courses be organized?

Students will continue to participate in their classes by using online platforms, online courses, and programmes such as Zoom or Skype. Classes that cannot be taught remotely will be postponed until a later date. Specific plans will be determined by programme managers, so you can get detailed information from your programme study office.

Mid-terms start on March 23. How will students take exams?

The exams of the 3rd module will be rescheduled for the summer and will be held simultaneously with the final exams of the 4th module. At that point, the university will have the opportunity to organize remote exams. An additional week will be added to the exam period of the 4th module in order to accommodate exams from the 3rd module.

What about internships?

They will be completed remotely.

What about final certification exams and thesis defenses for seniors?

These will be held remotely, just like module 4 exams.

Will summer schools and student expeditions take place?

It has been decided to postpone the student expeditions until the fall (wherever possible). Unfortunately, summer schools that were planned for the summer of 2020 are cancelled.

I live in a dormitory. Should I leave?

HSE University does not plan to close the dormitories. Whether to stay there or return to your hometown is entirely up to you.

If elderly relatives or other people who might be at risk live with you at home, it would be wiser to stay in the dormitory in order to avoid exposing them to additional danger. HSE University will do everything within its power to ensure that students can comfortably study online.

It is important to understand that if at least one resident of the dormitory tests positive for COVID-19, the university will be forced to immediately quarantine the entire building. Of course, in this case, HSE University will ensure the wellbeing of its students.

Please note that one of the main risk factors in the current situation is public transport. We strongly recommend that students, especially those who live in Odintsovo and Dubki, refrain from using it. If you do have to use the public transport, avoid trips during rush hour.

If students study remotely, will the university be closed?

We are not closing our campuses. Libraries and cafeterias will continue working. There will still be opportunities for individual face-to-face consultations.

Moreover, the University is not cancelling research events. However, it is strongly recommended to move these events to online formats. It is not recommended to organize events for more than 50 people. The right to make the final decision rests with the organizers.

Are administrative staff also being moved online?

HSE recommends that teachers and researchers work remotely if they can. Administrative staff will continue to work as usual.

I still have questions. How can I find our more?

Contact your study office first. If they cannot help you, email us at community@hse.ru. We will do our best to answer your questions and publish them here.

It is important to keep in mind that these circumstances in which HSE University finds itself are unprecedented. It is to be expected that some decisions will take time. We will promptly post all updates here, as well as on our official social media accounts. All of the latest updates are posted in Russian on the STUDLIFE page.