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Pokrovsky Boulevard 11, Rooms: S1029, S1030
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Department Administration
Department Head Alexander Tarasov

PhD, Penn State University

Deputy Head Svetlana Seregina
Senior Administrator Zulikhan Ibragimbeili
Senior Administrator Natalia Baibouzenko
Administrator Marina Yudina
Book chapter
Evaluation of the Degree of Manipulability of Positional Aggregation Procedures in a Dynamic Voting Model

Karabekyan D., Yakuba V. I.

In bk.: Human-Centric Decision and Negotiation Support for Societal Transitions: 24th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2024, Porto, Portugal, June 3–5, 2024, Proceedings. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 102-113.

Working paper
Scoring and Favoritism in Optimal Procurement Design

Andreyanov P., Krasikov I., Suzdaltsev A.

arxiv.org. Theoretical Economics. Cornell University, 2024

Russian Journal of Money and Finance

Established in 1927, Journal of Money and Creditis the oldest Russian banking periodical issued by Bank of Russia. Starting from 2018, the journal will be converted into a purely scientific quarterly with a primary focus on academic research papers to be published in both Russian and English. The new name of journal is Russian Journal of Money and Finance.

Russian Journal of Money and Financewill predominantly cover various aspects of monetary economics including monetary policy, and a wide range of issues related to financial markets, banking and big data in economics and finance. The journal will seek to publish a wide variety of researchers’ views in these fields of study.

Each article to be published in Russian Journal of Money and Finance shall be subject to a review. This process shall be based on the principle of double blind review, whereby the author of the article is unknown to reviewers, and reviewers are unknown to the author.



Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia


Associate Editors:

Alex Boulatov, International College for Economics and Finance, Higher School for Economics

Philipp Kartaev, Moscow State University

Dmitry Makarov, International College for Economics and Finance, Higher School for Economics

Аlexander Muravyev, Higher School for Economics– St.Petersburg

Maxim Nikitin, International College for Economics and Finance, Higher School for Economics

Anna Obizhaeva, New Economic School

Andrei Simonov, Michigan State University

Sergey Slobodyan, Higher School for Economics– St.Petersburg

Galina Hale, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Valery Charnavoki, New Economic School



Russian Journal of Money and Finance (Money and Credit) is included in the list of leading scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and the Web of Science Russian Science Citation Index. There are plans to secure its future entry into Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection international databases.
Information for authors