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The Modern Short Story

Apparently short story can be a course for economists. Check it yourself if you still doubt it.

Students of the Joint HSE NES program study theory of evolution, art history or Russian literature, for the same credit as game theory and microeconomics.  Modern American short story can be a course for future economists and financiers as part of EFL learning and more.

In the course of modern short story students are taught how the concept of short story is used in fiction and how to write a short story. In fact the outcome of the course includes that every course participant writes her own story. Now, you have the opportunity to check how the Joint program students managed to master this course two years ago. 

Course instructor: Sharon Hannigan, PhD, New Economic School
Book cover and layout: Alexander Tsyba, Joint program alum 2016
Cover picture: http://pichost.me/1489953/
All  logos used on book cover are property of their respective owners 
By having the publication on web the authors of the stories do not authorize any third party for reproduction, altering or copying entire work or parts of it. This work is for personal use only.  

The new course of modern short story just started. We are looking forward to read more short stories by the Joint program students!