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International Office

Deputy Dean for International Affairs – Liudmila S. Zasimova

International Office

Head of International Office – Oxana P. Budjko

Specialist – Elizaveta D. Masenkova

What Our Students Say

Admission 2024 is Open!

Master programs in Economics and Finance taught in English  |  Partial scholarships, student visa, accommodation

Meet our Faculty!


726 participants received certificates of achievement (winners’ diplomas), and more than 200 have already become HSE students. This event is one of the largest and most recognised projects of HSE University, which allows participants to gain university admission with a full or partial scholarship. Registration for the competition in Russian is already underway. Soon, registration for the HSE International Olympiad in English (INTO HSE) will kick off.
June 21
The Faculty of Economic Sciences celebrated its 32nd birthday. Students, graduates, teachers, and friends gathered for the traditional EconomFest at HSE University on Pokrovsky Bulvar. The event featured quizzes from language clubs, contests, lectures, and meetings with teachers. Festival guests enjoyed dancing, drawing lessons, new acquaintances and a three-tier cake, ie everything needed to make it a truly special event.
June 19
Scholarships and other useful information
June 17
International office at the Faculty of Economic Sciences hold a meeting for current applicants and admitted students with the current master students and alumni. They shared their own experience, provided valuable advice and answered many questions that future students asked.
June 14
Celebrating its 15th anniversary, HSE International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis invites scholars, PhD, master and undergraduate students from junior and senior years to apply for participation in international autumn school dedicated to decision choice theory, and other issues related to the application of modern applied mathematics in economics.
June 14
HSE University economists have proposed a novel approach to modelling monopolistic competition with heterogeneous firms and consumers. It addresses the shortcomings of the traditional model and takes into account the diverse preferences of consumers. The results of collaborative research carried out by Alexander Tarasov from Moscow, his co-authors from HSE University–St Petersburg, together with the Norwegian School of Economics, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Free University of Brussels, have been published inAmerican Economic Journal: Microeconomics, one of the most prestigious journals of the American Economic Association.
June 11
Transfer fees and salaries, however, have no impact on their level of effort
June 07
Students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences - Kirill Sivtsov, Stanislav Chernenko, Evelina Kolomets, Amir Kasumov - took first place at the VII All-Russian Olympiad "Corporate Finance".
June 04
HSE University has welcomed students of the International House Tashkent Academic Lyceum at TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan. The students are participants in the educational project 'Lyceum Classes with Support from HSE,' initiated by the International Admissions Office and implemented since 2022 in collaboration with faculties of HSE University and foreign educational institutions.
May 30
Alena Podaneva graduated from the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, Master's Degree in Financial Engineering, Master's Degree in Quantitative Methods in Finance and Economics from the University of Luxembourg in 2019. This week she successfully defended her PhD thesis at the University of Luxembourg on the topic Public and private procurement of services in the healthcare sectorCongratulations!
May 28
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International Students Handbook

Immediate Goals of HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences’ International Office are:

- Making it easier for international students to study at the Faculty of Economic Sciences
- Enhancing current students international experience and our alumni academic placement