II International Confernence on Economics of Football
New Economic School (NES) and Higher School of Economics (HSE) with the support of the Center of Strategic Research (CSR) and the European Working Group “Operations Research in Sport” (OR in Sports), conduct in July 9-11 the II International Scientific Conference on the Economics of Football.
The conference will be attended by a wide range of interested researchers - reputable scientists, graduate students and bachelor students from Russia, Great Britain, France, the United States and other countries. About 50 reports will be heard. Professor Egon Frank (University of Zurich) will give a keynote on the theme of “Financial Fair Play in European Club Football”. The conference will be attended by Vladimir Andreff (University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne), Dennis Coats (University of Maryland, Baltimore; Higher School of Economics, Perm), Branko Milanovic (City University of New York), Ignacio Palacios-Worth (London School of Economics), Tim Pavlovski (Tubingen University), David Forrest (University of Liverpool), Alex Krumer (University of St. Gallen) and others. The conference will include sections about the development of football, the labor market, the study of demand for TV broadcasts, the design of draws and schedules, the strategic aspects of the game of football and the other areas of game. The conference program is available here.
Conference site - www.footballeconomics.ru. Conference location: Radisson Slavyanskaya (Europe Square, 2).