Опубликована статья
У коллег Пильника Н.П., Поспелова И.Г., Радионова вышла статья на английском языке:
Pilnik N., Pospelov I. G., Radionov S. On Limits of the Influence of the Bank of Russia Key Rate on Indicators of the Russian Banking System / Пер. с рус. // Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 229-237.
The article presents several scenarios for the development of the situation in the Russian bankingsystem depending on different variants of changes in the Bank of Russia key rate. The scenarios are calculatedusing an optimization model of the Russian banking system, built on the principles of general equilibriummodels, and an econometric add-on that allows the use of consistent scenarios of exogenous variables.