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Опубликована статья

У коллег Поспелова И.Г., Радионова С.А. опубликована статья на английском языке: Pospelov, I., Radionov, S. Structural Change in Multisector Monopolistic Competition Model. Advances in Systems Science and Applications. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 2, P. 119-130.

We present a natural generalization of the Dixit-Stiglitz monopolistic competitionmodel (DSM) — we assume that there is a continuum of industries, each of them describedas in DSM, and each characterized with its own elasticity of substitution. Although firms inall industries share the same level of productivity and costs, exogenous technological progressleads to non-trivial reallocations of labor and production to industries with lower elasticities ofsubstitution. Thus the model, despite is simplicity and the absence of additional assumptions aboutindustry structure, generates the structural changes described in the economic growth literature.