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Four Campuses and One Long-Awaited Headliner: HSE University-Wide Graduation to Be Held on July 3

Four Campuses and One Long-Awaited Headliner: HSE University-Wide Graduation to Be Held on July 3
This year for the first time in HSE history, the graduation ceremony will take place at one time for all four HSE campuses. Almost 11,000 students from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, and Perm will gather online to bid the university farewell and celebrate the next chapter in their lives.

HSE Graduation 2020: FAQ

HSE Graduation 2020: FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions

Strategic Corporate Finance: Combination of Theoretical Knowledge with Practical Experience

Strategic Corporate Finance: Combination of Theoretical Knowledge with Practical Experience
Master program’s Strategic Corporate Finance  alum, class 2019, former HSE  University international student Abdumutal Vasikov on his experience and future plans

Congratulations to students and alumni on being accepted to the top ranked universities' graduate programs!

Congratulations to students and alumni on being accepted to the top ranked universities' graduate programs!
The Faculty of Economic Sciences congratulates students and graduates on entering the most prestigious programs of globally leading universities

From Research Assistant to Ph.D-programme in California

Polina Detkova, IIMS research assistant, talked about how her work at the Institute influenced her career choice.

Golden HSE Winners Awarded on HSE’s 27th Anniversary

Golden HSE Winners Awarded on HSE’s 27th Anniversary
On November 27, the HSE University held its 18th annual Golden HSE Award Ceremony in honour of colleagues who have demonstrated excellence in research or have contributed in a meaningful way to the HSE community. The special occasion coincided with the university’s 27th anniversary.

HSE Congratulates PhD Recipients in 13 Disciplines

HSE Congratulates PhD Recipients in 13 Disciplines
Of the original 300 students enrolled in doctoral programmes set to graduate this year, only 126 reached the final stage of the process—the dissertation defence. While congratulating the recent class of graduates, HSE Vice Rector Vyacheslav Bashev noted that such a large attrition rate testifies to the seriousness of those who have made it to graduation. ‘Though many of you work, you continue to invest in yourselves intellectually,’ he said.

Erasmus University Rotterdam & HSE Celebrate 25 Years of Educational Cooperation in Economics

Erasmus University Rotterdam & HSE Celebrate 25 Years of Educational Cooperation in Economics
Students, faculty, and alumni of HSE University and Erasmus University Rotterdam gathered to celebrate the 25th anniversary of educational cooperation between the two universities. Attendees reminisced about the past, discussed the future, and explored career opportuntiies at a roundtable, 'Building a Career with EUR'. The newly renovated Pokrovka complex in Moscow was one of many surprises for the participants, which included representatives of Nuffic Neso Russia and Erasmus University alumni.

Students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences Meet Minister of Economic Development

Students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences Meet Minister of Economic Development
Russian Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, who earned his Bachelor’s in economics in 2002 and his Master’s in economics in 2004 from HSE University, spoke to students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences about economic growth in Russia and what he learned at HSE University.

Graduation Party 2019

Graduation Party 2019
On July 4, HSE University graduates celebrated their commencement with Little Big, a vibrant punk rave band—this was the University’s gift to the students. The concert drew students, graduates from previous years, and HSE University staff: over 5,000 people attended the event.