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Congratulations to Olga Guseva on the successful defence of her PhD dissertation!

Поздравляем старшего преподавателя Школы финансов Гусеву Ольгу с успешной защитой кандидатской диссертации!

Zaruhi Hakobyan Shortlisted for HSE Alumni Awards

Zaruhi Hakobyan (left) and Grigory Kantorovich with HSE University graduates at the Russian Centre for Culture and Science in Luxembourg
Zaruhi Hakobyan, master’s graduate of the HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences and research scientist at the University of Luxembourg, is involved not only in research but also in organising academic events for young scientists and students. As a foreign graduate of HSE University, Zaruhi was nominated for the HSE Alumni Awards ‘for her tireless enthusiasm in popularising economic science, teaching, and research at the international level’ and made the shortlist.

‘I Will Use the Holidays to Reflect on my Plans, Recharge, and Refresh Myself’

‘I Will Use the Holidays to Reflect on my Plans, Recharge, and Refresh Myself’
Over 450 international students from all over the globe currently study at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Some of them have recorded video greetings, talked about celebrations in their home countries, and shared their ideas on how to spend the winter holidays in Russia. Below, we publish the second part of their interviews.

Early-Career Researchers from HSE University and Shanghai University Exchange Best Practices

Photo: HSE University staff visits Shanghai University
On December 15, the Second Sino-Russian Economic Cooperation Workshop–Youth Forum took place online. The event was organised jointly by HSE University and the Shanghai University School of Economics. Anastasia Stepanova, Deputy Vice Rector of HSE University, Associate Professor at the School of Finance, and one of the workshop organisers, talked to the HSE News Service about cooperation with Shanghai University and the topics covered by the workshop.

Graduate Admissions Webinars at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

Graduate Admissions Webinars at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

HSE University faculty presented at the International Conference in Shanghai

HSE University faculty presented at the International Conference in Shanghai
HSE University faculty presented at the 5th International Conference “The World Economy in the Great Changes 2023”, sponsored by the School of Economics of Shanghai University

Congratulations to Yulia Veselova on defending her doctoral dissertation at Maastricht University

We cordially congratulate Yulia Aleksandrovna Veselova, Senior Researcher at the International Center for Analysis and Decision Selection, on the successful defense of her dissertation on September 18, 2023 and the awarding of a Ph.D. degree at the University of Maastricht on the topic "Information, Interaction and Manipulation in Voting" (Information, Interaction and Manipulation in Voting).

‘Be ambitious!’

‘Be ambitious!’
Gao Song from China, master student at HSE Financial Engineering Program, applied and was successfully admitted to study for a masters in Quantitative Economics and Finance at the University of Luxembourg during his second year of masters studies at HSE. Upon successful completion of both programs, he will be awarded a masters degree from both institutions. From the Fall 2023, Gao Song will start his PhD program as a Doctoral Researcher at the Parallel Computing and Optimization Group (PCOG) in the Computer Science Department at the University of Luxembourg

‘Education Is the Formation of Horizons and Economic Thinking’

Sergey Pekarski, Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences
What are the modern trends in economic education and how are they incorporated in HSE programmes? Why do economists need machine learning and artificial intelligence? Is it necessary to attend lectures and how can students get the most out of their bachelor's programme? How radical are the changes in economic laws that have occurred in recent years? These questions and many other topics were discussed by Sergey Pekarski, Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences (FES), and interns of the Laboratory for Economic Journalism.

‘Now It Is Not Students Who Adapt to the University Environment, but Universities Adapting to the Student Lifestyle’

‘Now It Is Not Students Who Adapt to the University Environment, but Universities Adapting to the Student Lifestyle’
More than 450 students from more than 40 countries have graduated from 10 HSE Master's online programmes. To participate in the ceremony, graduates who received full-time higher education online were invited to the Moscow campus and met with classmates and teachers not online, but face-to-face.