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‘The academic profession is such that it takes a lifetime to grasp fully’

‘The academic profession is such that it takes a lifetime to grasp fully’
Alexey Parakhonyak graduated from HSE in 2004 and now works as an associate professor at Lincoln College, Oxford. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr Parakhonyak explained why HSE attracted the best professors right from the start, how Erasmus University teaches its PhD students, how to win students’ hearts and what, besides the university, makes the city of Oxford interesting

Congratulations to our first international applicants recommended for scholarship admission!

Congratulations to our first international applicants recommended for scholarship admission!
First international applicants of the bachelor and master programs were approved for scholarship admission recently. We congratulate these high achievers and their families with the first success towards their great careers in finance, economics and statistics!

20 years

20 years
mark the joint academic programs of the Faculty of Economic Sciences (Faculty of Economics in 2000) of the HSE University and the Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany)

Two Contestants Correctly Guessed All Three Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

They were able to predict the exact list of awardees of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2021: David Card, Joshua Angrist, and Guido Imbens.

‘More and More Often, We Need to Analyse Data That Is Non-Financial’

‘More and More Often, We Need to Analyse Data That Is Non-Financial’
In September, the new HSE online master’s programme in Business Analytics launched on Coursera. Its educational content is close to the practice-oriented on-site HSE master’s programme in Corporate Finance. Graduates of the programme go on to pursue brilliant careers in business, retail, banking and finance, as well as create their own start-ups.

University Quality, Academic Performance, and Work Experience Are Important Signals in the Labour Market

University Quality, Academic Performance, and Work Experience Are Important Signals in the Labour Market
People with higher education enjoy higher salaries and are at considerably less risk of unemployment. The World Bank estimates that an extra year of university studies in Russia yields an 8% return on investment. The quality of a university, the specific field of study, and students’ individual strategies are all key factors in ensuring success in the labour market. These topics were discussed by Viktor Rudakov, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Head of the International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, HSE University, in an open lecture on ‘How and Where to Study to Become Successful in the Labour Market’.

Congratulations to Our New Graduates!

Congratulations to Our New Graduates!
The last two years were absolutely unusual, which makes our new graduates even more special for us. We wish you all the required success  in our careers and life!

Everybody Is Nice, Unique And Intelligent In Their Own Way

Everybody Is Nice, Unique And Intelligent In Their Own Way
At this time our summer intern, Camryn, compares US and Russian students’ paths into higher education. Vladimir, also a fourth year student of the Economics and Statistics undergraduate program provides a meaningful insight on the possible application track available to any motivated high school kid, who loves math and self study. Olympiads, Russian State Exam, study subjects, different career tracks and students’ motivations uncovered

Congratulations to Our Alumna for the Best Master Thesis Award

Congratulations to Our Alumna for the Best Master Thesis Award
Daria Matvienko, Economics undergraduate program 2018, Economics: Research Program 2020 was awarded the best master thesis in eonomics and finance award.

Congratulations to students and alumni on being accepted to the top ranked universities' PhD programs!

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States
The Faculty of Economic Sciences congratulates students and graduates on entering the most prestigious programs of globally leading universities