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109028, Moscow,
Pokrovsky Boulevard 11, Rooms: S1029, S1030
Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90*27172, 27173, 27174

Department Administration
Department Head Alexander Tarasov

PhD, Penn State University

Deputy Head Svetlana Seregina
Senior Administrator Zulikhan Ibragimbeili
Senior Administrator Natalia Baibouzenko
Administrator Marina Yudina
Book chapter
Evaluation of the Degree of Manipulability of Positional Aggregation Procedures in a Dynamic Voting Model

Karabekyan D., Yakuba V. I.

In bk.: Human-Centric Decision and Negotiation Support for Societal Transitions: 24th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2024, Porto, Portugal, June 3–5, 2024, Proceedings. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 102-113.

Working paper
Scoring and Favoritism in Optimal Procurement Design

Andreyanov P., Krasikov I., Suzdaltsev A.

arxiv.org. Theoretical Economics. Cornell University, 2024


Two HSE Faculties among Those Most Sought after by Russian Employers

HSE’s Faculty of Business and Management and Faculty of Economic Sciences were in the top three of the faculties most sought after by employers in Russia.

Golden HSE 2016: Something New is Coming!

Nominations of candidates for the Golden HSE Awards open on November 21, 2016. This year, the contest has undergone major changes. There are now more nominations, they are a little different, and there’s even a new prize!

HSE Enters Top 10 Universities by Number of Online Courses on Coursera

HSE Enters Top 10 Universities by Number of Online Courses on Coursera
As of today, HSE offers 46 courses on Coursera, an international online education platform, and one third of them are English-taught. This means that HSE is one of the Top 10 universities by the number of online courses offered on that platform.

HSE Announces Student Research Competition

Students from universities in Russia and abroad have until October 31st to submit their applications for HSE’s open competition for research conducted in business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science.

Information on registration for conference participants

Please note that the online registration for the April conference has finished. People who haven't done it yet may register during the conference on April 19-22, 2016 from 9.00 to 17.00.