First Time in Three Years Graduation was Held in Person on Campus!
The last three years were absolutely unusual, which makes our new graduates even more special for us. We wish you all the required success in your careers and life!
Due to pandemic limitations there were no in person ceremonies in 2020 and 2021. This time all future graduates gathered in the HSE Cultural Center. Still a few students due to travel restrictions had to study remotely and attended the ceremonly online.
We praise both cohorts and acknowledge your efforts! You did great and it will pay you off!

Stories of Graduates' 2022
‘HSE University Does Not Settle for Mediocrity’
‘The Point of Studying Economics Is to Work for the Greater Good in a World of Limited Resources’
‘Professionals Who Have Studied Outside Their Home Countries Should Shape New Narratives’
Creating a ‘Generational Contract’ to Improve Young People’s Life Outcomes
Nargiz Mammadova among the Leaders of Tomorrow
Congratulations to Ivan Dedyukhin on admission to the PhD in Economics at Indiana University!
Pokrovka Campus and HSE Cultural Center provide many spots to make photos with your favorite professor, your classmates, your parents, and, of course HSE crow!