HSE INTernational Olympiad registration is open!
Who is eligible to participate?
International (non-Russian) citizens, and stateless persons enrolled in junior and senior high school years; either grades 10-11 of high schools for 11-year programs or grades 11-12 for 12-year programs. Math test is provided in English, so to take the test no knowledge of Russian language is required.
Get ready for the contest!
Math contest detailed info 2023. Tasks of Previous Years
Preparatory webinars for participants. Archive
HSE iNTernational Olympiad website
The HSE International Olympiad (HSE INTO) is one of HSE University’s largest international projects. Winners of the competition can receive full tuition wavers for their studies and study at HSE University for free. The registration deadline is September 30. For eight years, HSE University has offered students from various countries the opportunity to try their hand at an intellectual competition to win free tuition at the university. The winners of HSE INTO 2023 can also obtain grants covering up to 75% of the cost of tuition.
There are 16 subject areas in the competition, of which participants can choose up to five.
HSE INTO provides a strong theoretical foundation for university studies, experience of entrance exams, opportunities to meet new people, and a chance to win a state-funded place before many other applicants.
Dates of Competitions: January 16-29, 2023. Registration open till December 18, 2022
Faculty of Economic Sciences undergraduate programs
HSE University Faculty of ectonomic sciences offers 4 year full time undergraduate programs in taught in Russian and English languages. Applicants with no prior knowledge of Russian language can start their study at HSE faculty of economic sciences undergraduate programs by enrolling to one year Russian language preparatory program. Winners of the HSE iNTernational Olympiad in math are awarded with full scholarship and a free one year Preparatory course in Russian, as well as subsidized housing in Moscow and other benefits.
Undergraduate programmes: