Professors' Quotes

‘Teaching Is a Learning Experience for Me—Every Question Is an Opportunity to Update My Lecture Material’
Kemal Kivanc Akoz is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. He has been at HSE University for six years and his current activities include research into marriage market dynamics and information agreements among groups of agents. In this interview with the HSE News Service, Kemal talks about the subjects of his research, the teaching approach that led to him being named one of the university’s Best Teachers, his favourite places to get a coffee in Moscow, and more. Read the full text
Young scholar Daria Tabashnikova, faculty of economic sciences alumna, and PhD student, studies sports economics and constructs mathematical models for predicting athletes' behaviour. In her interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, she speaks about double-elimination tournaments, her love of checkers, and game theory stickers.
Maarten Janssen Named Honorary Professor of HSE. For nearly a quarter of century, Maarten Janssen, a well-known expert in microeconomics and currently a professor at the University of Vienna, has been working with HSE. A ceremony awarding him the honorary title took place at a meeting of the HSE Academic Council.
Distinguished Professor, Member of the HSE Academic Council, Head of the Department of Mathematics, Director of International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis Fuad Aleskerov on his research and academic career: Whatever I organized – whether it was a faculty or a laboratory - the feedback from HSE was always positive. This makes it easy and pleasant to work here. If you have a good idea, it won’t get lost amid bureaucratic red tape.
‘A Boost to Exert More Effort to Improve My Teaching Further’ Kemal Kivanc Akoz, Assistant Professor, Department of Theoretical Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences: I am honored and humbled to receive one of the Best Teacher Awards this year. Working with the intelligent and curious students of HSE University has been a great pleasure for me. I am really glad that my students’ experiences were also positive. Like any positive feedback from students, this award gives me a boost to exert more effort to improve my teaching further. Of course, any feedback from students, positive or negative, is extremely useful for me to update my teaching material to create a better learning environment during the lectures.
‘This Achievement Certainly Motivates Me’ Cemal Eren Arbatli, Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Economics, Best Academic Supervisors, 2022 — Faculty of Economic Sciences: It feels great to see that all the time and effort I dedicated to guide my students' research paid off. I am very proud that my students produced high quality research, and very happy that I was able to inspire most of them to work hard on their projects. I can definitely say that such recognition makes me want to do even better next time.
International Faculty Members Reflect on Remote Work. Jean-Francois Jabir: Distance teaching helps break different barriers (temporal and geographical), allowing, theoretically speaking, any student to attend a particular programme from any place in the world. With the current situation that we are all experiencing, distance learning is essential because it offers students the option of studying safely without taking health risks.
Harold Moreno: My work routine hasn't changed so much. I mostly work in mathematical research, so it was easy transition to a distance mode. Previously, I also used to email and Skype a lot to communicate with my colleagues, so it is the same. One of the benefits of distance teaching is that I don't have to spend time traveling. The biggest minus in distant work is social isolation. I don't speak a lot with other people.
Monument to Anonymous Peer Reviewer to Be Erected at HSE. The idea proposed by Igor Chirikov was transforming a piece of concrete into a monument to an anonymous peer reviewer. The idea is to make it look like a big dice with sides featuring some of the typical opinions reviewers give to academic articles (‘Accept’, ‘Minor Changes’, etc.).
International Recruiting at the Faculty of Economic Sciences
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