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Аспирантура по финансам университета Айовы приглашает выпускников ВШЭ

Professor Art Durnev, recently appointed to be Finance PhD program director in Iowa, puts an effort in trying to increase and diversify the pool of strong potential students. Any good undergraduate (and Master) students who is interested in pursuing a Finance PhD degree and subsequently an academic career is encouraged to apply to Iowa.

The information about the program can be found at http://tippie.uiowa.edu/finance/phd/index.cfm

Program recent placement included tenure-track professor positions at University of Arizona, Tulane University, Drexel University, University of Missouri, California State University, and University of Alabama. The department has a very collegial atmosphere, and graduate students are encouraged to interact with faculty, and start working on their research as early as possible.

On average, it takes five years to complete the degree and every Ph.D. student is fully funded.

Program director's interview on the stock market 25.08.2015

Program director's address to potential Russian students (in Russian)