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Why and How to Apply for Economics Master's Programs in Europe?

Приглашаются студенты всех программ и курсов бакалавриата факультета экономических наук для участия во встрече, посвященной выбору и поступлению в европейские магистратуры.

Дата мероприятия: 20 октября 2015 года
Встреча проходит по адресу: Шаболовка 26, аудитория 4405
Начало в 18 00

Dr. Eren Arbatli will deliver a presentation that addresses the following issues:

- What are these programs good for?

- What do they entail (program structure)?

- Some general remarks about when and how to apply

- A selection of decent programs by country

All bachelor students are welcome! 

Guest speaker: Dr. Andrea Matranga,
PhD from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France
M2 - Economic Theory and Econometrics (ECOMATH)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
MAS Economics, MSc Economics
Universit`a Commerciale L. Bocconi, Milan, Italy
Degree in International Economics and Management
Exchange Program at Erasmus University Rotterdam

will talk about some of these programs and offer general advice