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Department Administration
Department Head Alexander Tarasov

PhD, Penn State University

Deputy Head Svetlana Seregina
Senior Administrator Zulikhan Ibragimbeili
Senior Administrator Natalia Baibouzenko
Administrator Marina Yudina
Book chapter
Evaluation of the Degree of Manipulability of Positional Aggregation Procedures in a Dynamic Voting Model

Karabekyan D., Yakuba V. I.

In bk.: Human-Centric Decision and Negotiation Support for Societal Transitions: 24th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2024, Porto, Portugal, June 3–5, 2024, Proceedings. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 102-113.

Working paper
Scoring and Favoritism in Optimal Procurement Design

Andreyanov P., Krasikov I., Suzdaltsev A.

arxiv.org. Theoretical Economics. Cornell University, 2024

Tag "leisure" – News

Results of the Contest to Predict Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

Results of the Contest to Predict Nobel Prize Winners in Economics
This year, three economists received the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel: Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig. For participants of the prediction contest, the jury's choice turned out to be quite unexpected—only six people guessed one of the three Nobel laureates.

Annual Contest to Predict Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

Joshua Angrist with his prize medal
The Faculty of Economic Sciences is holding a contest to predict the winners of the 2022 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Participants can name up to three candidates, and whoever makes the most accurate prediction will receive a prize.

FES International Research Seminar with Dennis Novy, Warwick University, UK

Our next speaker in the FES International Seminar Series is Dennis Novy who is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). 

FES International Research Seminar with Professor Armin Falk, University of Bonn, Germany

Our next speaker in the FES International Seminar Series is Armin Falk, who is a Professor of Economics at the University of Bonn.

FES International Research Seminar with Professor Elena Carletti, Bocconi University

FES International Research Seminar with Professor Elena Carletti, Bocconi University
The next speaker at the FES International Research Seminar Series was Professor Elena Carletti, Bocconi University.