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PhD Seminar Synopsis

First PhD seminar was hosted by the HSE Doctoral School of Economics. Three students  presented results of their research and received feedback from Hartmut Lehmann, Leading research Fellow at the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies

At the PhD seminar on November 2,  Hartmut Lehmann gave valuable advice to every presenter after their talks on how to develop, improve and present their research. The seminar is aimed to support the doctoral students’ work on dissertations, complement their supervision and provide feedback from renowned scholars. This seminar will ensure the highest academic level of dissertations, as required by the new dissertation councils of the HSE

Daria Zinchenko, Educational assortative mating and income inequality in Russia

Daria elaborated on the topic of assortative mating and its impacts on the distribution of household incomes. Main results of this study were characterized by increase of assortative mating among low educated and  decrease of it among university graduates, by weak impact of assortative mating on income inequality and by positive educational assortative mating in Russia at all levels of education.

Egor Krivosheya, Evaluating efficient multilateral interchange fee: evidence from end-user benefits

Egor presented on the topic of retail payments and efficient multilateral interchange fee. He explained that usually MIFs are perceived as too high due to profit maximization by Bank Associations, pointed out what could happen if the MIF is changed at the Russian market and modeled which MIF policy would provide the largest overall surplus for all economic agents at the market.

Zaruhi Hakobyan, Symmetric Markovian Games of Commons with Potentially Sustainable Endogenous Growth

Zaruhi’s work is devoted to the topic of Symmetric Markovian Games and their possible implementation in information technologies industry. Additionally, the mathematical model was introduced as well as its result, the existence of exact