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Online session with Jan Toporowski and Harald Hagemann (May 27, 2020)


Online session with Jan Toporowski and Harald Hagemann (May 27, 2020)

On May 27, 2020, in the framework of the XXI April Conference, Centre for the History and Methodology of Economic Science (CeHistMet) organized an online session. Honorary speakers of the Conference Jan Toporowski (SOAS University of London) and Harald Hagemann (University of Hohenheim) presented papers:


Jan Toporowski: ‘Oskar Lange's view of Russian Economic Management’ (Abstract)

Harald Hagemann: ‘Vassily Leontief and his German Period’ (Abstract)


The panel was moderated by the head of CeHistMet, Vladimir Avtonomov.


The session is available at the YouTube channel of the April Conference.