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CFA Access Scholarships for International Students, 2017

CFA Program Access Scholarships provide financial support to those who may be unable to afford the full price for program enrollment and exam registration.

International Conference «Modern problems of stochastic analysis and statistics»

On the occasion of  Professor Valentin Konakov' 70th birthday celebration International Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications hosts a conference «Modern problems of stochastic analysis and statistics»

The Theory of Networks

Research Conference for graduate students. Application deadline April 10, 2016

HSE Team to Take Part in the CFA Institute Research Challenge in Chicago

The Russian final competition in the CFA Institute Research Challenge 2016 has come to a close in Moscow – identifying the two Russian winners. One was the HSE team – the second year running that the HSE has won the Russian stage of the contest. 

I’d recommend any academically-oriented student to apply

International PhD Scholarships in Economics

Research Fellowships from Canon Foundation

Canon Foundation invites PhD students from Russia to apply for a year research fellowship in Japan

Dual Degree with the Amsterdam Business School

One of the second year master students from the Faculty of Economic Sciences decided to make a dual degree in Amsterdam Business School. Here is his story.

Paid internships in NCTU in Taiwan

Master and PhD students of HSE are invited to apply for a 2016 NCTU Taiwan Elite Internship Program. Selection is competetive.

Call for International Applications to the Doctoral Programs at Big Data Institute Shenzhen University, China

The Big Data Institute (BDI), Shenzhen University was found in 2013, which is a core part of collaborative innovation center between Guangdong province and Hong Kong. Currently, BDI has over twenty academic staff including 1 IEEE fellow, 6 full professors, 4 associate professors and 2 post-doctoral fellows.

Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships

Application call from The European University Institute (EUI) in Italy. The Program “Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships” offers the grants in the fields of the humanities and social sciences.