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Research & Expertise

Victoria Dobrynskaya, the School of Finance Assistant Professor, Did an Interview for Overseas News Channels

Illustration for news: Central Banks Need to Take Action to Fight Climate Change

Central Banks Need to Take Action to Fight Climate Change

Hubert Kempf, Professor of Economics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris - Saclay (France) and Academic Supervisor of HSE International Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis (IMLA), will speak about the greening of monetary policy at ameeting of theDiscussion Club on Modern Economic Policy on November 25. In his interview, Professor Kempf spoke about the work of IMLA, the development of macroeconomics, and the role central banks can play in combatting climate change.

Illustration for news: Out of the Ivory Tower: From Academic Economics to Policymaking

Out of the Ivory Tower: From Academic Economics to Policymaking

What issues can modern economics help address? How can economists shape government policies? What languages should an economist speak? These are some of the questions Professor Alain Paquet of the University of Quebec at Montreal will talk about at the upcoming meeting of the Discussion Club on Modern Economic Policy hosted by HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Science on November 11. The News Service has talked to Professor Paquet ahead of the lecture.

Illustration for news: Model of Predator-Prey Relationship Helps Predict Spread of COVID-19

Model of Predator-Prey Relationship Helps Predict Spread of COVID-19

Researchers from the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences have proposed a mathematical model that describes the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account the restrictions applied in different countries. The model will help governments make reasonable and timely decisions on introducing or lifting restrictions. The paper was published in Eurasian Economic Review.

Illustration for news: ‘Frontiers of Macroeconomical Research’ Presented at ILMA Workshop 2021

‘Frontiers of Macroeconomical Research’ Presented at ILMA Workshop 2021

On October 15, the International Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis at HSE university held the international workshop ‘Frontiers of Macroeconomical Research’ for the third time. This year, it brought together economic scientists from the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, and Canada.

Illustration for news: Guess the Nobel Prize Winner in Economic Sciences!

Guess the Nobel Prize Winner in Economic Sciences!

The HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences invites you to guess the Nobel Prize winners in economics.

Illustration for news: Why Politicians Don't Listen to Economists: First Meeting of Economic Policy Club Takes Place at HSE University

Why Politicians Don't Listen to Economists: First Meeting of Economic Policy Club Takes Place at HSE University

Participants of the HSE Economic Policy Club discussed why politics often serves the interests of a small group of people to the detriment of the welfare of the majority of citizens, and also why the government ignores recommendations from economists. At the same time, economic policy always redistributes resources, and it isn’t possible to achieve the optimal solutions suggested by economic theory.

Illustration for news: Student Research Paper Competition 2021 Kicks Off at HSE University

Student Research Paper Competition 2021 Kicks Off at HSE University

The annual HSE Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC) helps young researchers try their hand in a real academic competition, where leading experts and professionals from HSE University assess their research papers. This year, participation will be open from September 1 to October 15.

Illustration for news: University Quality, Academic Performance, and Work Experience Are Important Signals in the Labour Market

University Quality, Academic Performance, and Work Experience Are Important Signals in the Labour Market

People with higher education enjoy higher salaries and are at considerably less risk of unemployment. The World Bank estimates that an extra year of university studies in Russia yields an 8% return on investment. The quality of a university, the specific field of study, and students’ individual strategies are all key factors in ensuring success in the labour market. These topics were discussed by Viktor Rudakov, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Head of the International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, HSE University, in an open lecture on ‘How and Where to Study to Become Successful in the Labour Market’.

Illustration for news: How Income and Political Preferences Affect Attitudes towards Quarantine and Vaccination

How Income and Political Preferences Affect Attitudes towards Quarantine and Vaccination

In a webinar for the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Professor Konstantin Sonin talked about the impact of income, social status and political beliefs on mask-wearing compliance, social distancing and willingness to get vaccinated.