Intangible Assets are More Important Than Tangibles
The HSE School of Finance recently held a roundtable discussion dedicated to public non-financial reporting. The keynote presentation was delivered by Stefano Zambon, Professor at the University of Ferrara (Italy), who is also the Chairman of the World Intellectual Capital Initiative (WICI), a global network engaged in the systematization and dissemination of information on the intellectual capital indicators and modes for presenting it in non-financial reporting.
Testing Conflict Theory with Data Delivers New Insights
Austin L. Wright from the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago flew to Moscow from Chicago to discuss ‘Civilian Abuse and Wartime Informing’ at the Political Economics workshop that was held at HSE on July, 20, 2017.
‘People Who Are Good with Numbers Need to Develop Emotional Intelligence’
How can financial managers help design products and services? What bearing may a CEO’s death have on investment decisions? Why is our perception of time and place changing? Professor Jean-Malik Dumas from Tilburg University discusses these and other issues in an interview with HSE News Service. He has recently visited HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences under Erasmus Plus programme to teach an elective course in Finance for Master’s students of Strategic Corporate Finance programme.
Why Some Nations Prosper While Others Don't?
Anastasiia Bochkovskaia, Bachelor’s programme "HSE/NES Programme in Economics"2016 alumna investigates if it is the word order that really matters
Volunteering Is A Magic Pill In The Labor Market... Or Is It?
Many teenagers today are involved in unpaid activities. Why do they do this?
Anna Malova, Bachelor program Economics' 2016 alumna is looking for an answer.
Gun Free Zones - A Life Saver Or A Trap?
Irina Vakatova, Bachelor’s programme "HSE/NES Programme in Economics" 2016 alumna implies game theory to the problem in order to see what should be a scientifically justified answer from the legislators and society to the crisis of school shooting in the USA
Cemal Eren Arbatlı, assistant professor at the Department of Theoretical Economics, has won the Armen Alchian award!
His joint paper with Güneş Gökmen (NES) entitled "Minorities and Long-Run Development: Persistence of Armenian and Greek Influence in Turkey" has won the best general interest paper award at the Armenian Economic Association annual conference.
Why Students Cheat?
If one asks Google this exact question she will get about 22,000,000 results in 0.50 seconds. As our alumna Anastasiia Faikina (Bachelor’s programme 'Economics'2016) discovered, yet there is no theoretical model that would explain the phenomenon. So she decided to take charge
Students' Reports at the Political Economy Research Seminar
Undergraduate students presented their research at the seminar.
“Wish the Joint NES-HSE Program in Economics continue producing excellent students like him”
The Faculty of Economic Sciences is proud to congratulate Nikita Melnikov (a soon to be graduate of Joint HSE - NES Program in Economics) whose article, co-authored with Prof. Sergei Guriev (Sciences Po, Paris) is published at American Economic Review: Guriev, Sergei and Nikita Melnikov. 2016. "War, Inflation, and Social Capital." American Economic Review,106(5): 230-35.