Quality of Life or Medicine? HSE Researchers Learn the Key to Living Longer
Everyday living conditions — income, housing, and sanitation — affect health and life expectancy more than the availability and quality of medicine. At the same time, the health system itself plays a crucial role in treating infection. This is what a recent study by researchers of HSE University has found.

HSE Experts Study How the Russian Labour Market is Adapting to the COVID-19 Crisis
Due to timely price and time adjustments on the Russian labour market, the need for worker layoffs was much less than it could have been under other conditions. This is the finding of a study conducted by the Centre for Labour Market Studies and the Office for Expert Analysis at HSE University. At the same time, the study also shows that more than half of Russians surveyed reported that their earnings have decreased significantly.

Pre-Defense of PhD Dissertation of Zaruhi Hakobyan
Pre-defense of PhD dissertation of Zaruhi Hakobyan was held at the Department of Theoretical Economics on May 18, 2020