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109028, Moscow
11 Pokrovsky Boulevard,
Room Т-614
Phone: (495) 628-83-68

email: fes@hse.ru 

First Deputy Dean Sergey Merzlyakov
Deputy Dean for Academic Work Elena Pokatovich
Deputy Dean for Research Dmitry A. Veselov
Deputy Dean for International Affairs Liudmila S. Zasimova
Deputy Dean for Undergraduate Studies Elena Burmistrova

Project work of students of the Faculty of Economic Science

Since the academic year 2020/2021, the educational programs of undergraduate and graduate students of the FES have moved to a new model of student project work. An obligatory element of the curriculum for undergraduate and graduate students of all years of study is the Project, which includes project work, accompanied by a research project seminar, as well as by writing course and diploma papers. Projects bring together undergraduate and graduate students from different years of study working on similar topics. 

For everybody:  

  • In order to participate in a Project as a supervisor, co-supervisor or student, you need to register in the FES Project system using your corporate HSE email. External co-supervisors or students need to receive an invitation from an administrator of the System
  • If you have any questions, write them to fes-projects@hse.ru 
  • Project work FAQs
  • Projects 2023/24  

Projects 2024/25

  • Deadlines for grading

    Thses deadlines are for supervisors. Please contact your project supervisor to get the deadlines for submitting your work

    March 31st, 2025

    Supervisors must assign grades to graduating students

    April 15th, 2025

    Supervisors must assign grades for the retake to graduating students

    April 30th, 2025

    Supervisors must assign grades for the second retake (commission) to graduating students

    June 30th, 2025

    Supervisors must assign grades to non-graduating students

    Autumn 2025

    Supervisors must assign grades for retakes to non-graduating students (the exact dates will be announced later)

Students: changing a project

Students: if you have no project

Faculty: System functions

The following options are available to the project supervosors in the Project Work System: submitting applications for running projects, approving students' applications and transfer requests from students, viewing the current list of students on the project, publishing messages for project participants and scheduling appointments. Also in the system, supervisors formulate and assign technical tasks for students, record the grading formula, and assign final grades for project participation. More details about each of these functions can be found on the front page of the  System  (it appears after logging in as the project supervisor).