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109028, Moscow
11 Pokrovsky Boulevard,
Room Т-614
Phone: (495) 628-83-68

email: fes@hse.ru 

First Deputy Dean Sergey Merzlyakov
Deputy Dean for Academic Work Elena Pokatovich
Deputy Dean for Research Dmitry A. Veselov
Deputy Dean for International Affairs Liudmila S. Zasimova
Deputy Dean for Undergraduate Studies Elena Burmistrova
A sentiment-based financial stress index for Russia
In press

Shchepeleva M., Stolbov M.

Borsa Istanbul Review. 2025. P. 1-10.

Book chapter
On Multidimensional Dirac–Hestenes Equation in Geometric Algebra

Rumiantseva S., Shirokov D.

In bk.: Advances in Computer Graphics: 41st Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part III. Vol. 15340. Springer, 2025. P. 323-335.

Working paper
Degree of freedom count in linear gauge invariant PDE systems

Lyakhovich S., Piontkovski D.

arxiv.org. Physics. Cornell University, 2025

FES and ICEF Joint International Research Seminar

Seminars in 2023-2024 academic year

OrganisersAnastasia Antsygina, aantsygina@hse.ru

atiana Mayskaya

Dmitry Makarov

The information will be updated.

Seminars in 2022-2023 academic year

OrganisersEren Arbatlidarbatli@hse.ru

Anastasia Antsygina, aantsygina@hse.ru

atiana Mayskaya

Dmitry Makarov
AddressPokrovsky Boulevard 11, room T510 Moscow Higher School of Economics


Seminars in 2021-2022 academic year

OrganisersEren Arbatlidarbatli@hse.ru

Madina Karamyshevamkaramysheva@hse.ru

atiana Mayskaya

Dmitry Makarov
AddressPokrovsky Boulevard 11, room T510 Moscow Higher School of Economics


27.09.2021Frederic Malherbe (UCL)"The Cross-border Effects of Bank Capital Regulation" (joint with Saleem Bahaj) 
04.10.2021Gilles Saint-Paul (Paris School of Economics)"Consumer society and the middle class"
11.10.2021Yixiao Sun (UC San Diego)“Support Vector Decision Making”
14.10.2021ICEF-FES-NES Workshop in Micro TheoryTBC
21.10.2021 Alexander Nesterov (HSE SPb)"Incentives in matching markets: counting and comparing manipulating agents" (joint with Somouaoga Bonkoungou)
28.10.2021Ronen Gradwohl (Ariel University)"Herd Design" (joint with Itai Arieli and Rann Smorodinsky)
29.10.202110th International Moscow Finance ConferenceTBC
30.10.202110th International Moscow Finance ConferenceTBC
18.11.2021Erik Hornung (University of Cologne)"Flow of Ideas: Economic Societies and the Rise of Useful Knowledge" (with Francesco Cinnirella and Julius Koschnick)
25.11.2021Michael Weber (Chicago Booth)"Big G" (joint with Lydia Cox, Gernot J. Müller, Ernesto Pasten, and Raphael Schoenle)
02.12.2021Muhamet Yildiz (MIT)"Culture and Communication" (joint with Rajiv Sethi)
06.12.2021Oleg Baranov (University of Colorado at Boulder)"The VCG mechanism, the core, and assignment stages in auctions" (joint with Lawrence M. Ausubel)
13.12.2021Mikhail Panov HSE SPb"Agreements of Continuous-Time Games"
16.12.2021Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore)"Information Design in Optimal Auctions" (joint with Xiangqian Yang)
27.12.2021Olesya V. Grishchenko (Board of Governors FED)Tentative: textual analysis of monetary policy communications

Seminars in 2020-2021 academic year

OrganisersEren Arbatlidarbatli@hse.ru

Madina Karamyshevamkaramysheva@hse.ru

Tatiana Mayskayatmayskaya@hse.ru

Sylvain Carrescarre@hse.ru
AddressPokrovsky Boulevard 11, room T510 Moscow Higher School of Economics

04.09.2020Gilat Levy (LSE)Misspecified politics and the recurrence of populism
14.09.2020Christian Brownlees (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)"Backtesting Global Growth-at-Risk" (joint with Andre B.M. Souza)
17.09.2020Elliot Lipnowski (Columbia University)"Rank Uncertainty in Organizations" (joint with Marina Halac and Daniel Rappoport)
21.09.2020Morten Nielsen (Queen's University)"Statistical inference in the multifractional cointegrated VAR model" (joint with Soren Johansen)
24.09.2020Chris Hennessy (London Business School)"Ideology and econometric output"
28.09.2020Alejandro Cuñat (University of Vienna)“Bilateral trade imbalances“ (joint with Robert Zymek)
05.10.2020Felipe Valencia Caicedo (UBC)"The Long Shadow of the Spanish Civil War" (joint with Ana Tur-Prats)
08.10.2020Toni Whited (University of Michigan)"Taxes Depress Corporate Borrowing: Evidence from Private Firms" (joint with Ivan Ivanov and Luke Pettit)
15.10.2020John Kuong (INSEAD)"The design of a central counterparty" (joint with Vincent Maurin)
22.10.2020Štěpán Jurajda (CERGE-EI)"Minimum wage price pass-through: the case of McDonald’s restaurants" (joint with Orley Ashenfelter)
29.10.2020Christoph Siemroth (University of Essex)"The limits of information aggregation in dynamic limit order markets" (joint with Ji Hee Yoon)
02.11.2020Paolo Surico (LBS)"Capital, Income Inequality and Consumption" (joint with Florin O. Bilbiie and Diego R. Kanzig)
09.11.2020Matt Jackson (Stanford University) "The Role of Referrals in Inequality, Immobility, and Inefficiency in Labor Markets" (joint with Lukas Bolte and Nicole Immorlica)
12.11.2020Luca Braghieri (Stanford University)"Social Image, Information, and Political Correctness"
16.11.2020Juliane Begenau (Stanford Graduate School of Business0"A Q theory of banks" (joint with Saki Bigio, Jeremy Majerovitz and Matias Vieyra)
19.11.2020Itay Goldstein (Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)"Liquidity Transformation and Fragility in the US Banking Sector" (joint with Qi Chen, Zeqiong Huang and Rahul Vashishtha)
23.11.2020Ralph Ossa (University of Zurich)"Are Trade Agreements Good for You?" (joint with Giovanni Maggi)
26.11.2020Shaowei Ke (Univeristy of Michigan)"Behavioral Neural Networks" (joint with Chen Zhao, Sung-Lin Hsieh, and Zhaoran Wang)
04.12.2020Alex Imas (University of Chicago, Booth School of Business)"Selling Fast and Buying Slow: Heuristics and Trading Performance of Institutional Investors" (joint with Klakow Akepanidtaworn, Rick Di Mascio, and Lawrence Schmidt)
07.12.2020Aislinn Bohren (University of Pennsylvania)"Inaccurate Statistical Discrimination: An Identification Problem" (joint with Kareem Haggag, Alex Imas and Devin Pope)
10.12.2020Nora Traum (HEC Montreal)"The Macroeconomic Effects of Carbon Taxes: The Role of Investment and Emission Rate Heterogeneity" joint with Giuseppe Fiori (Federal Reserve Board and NC State).
14.12.2020Christophe Spaenjers (HEC Paris)"Biased Auctioneers" (joint with Mathieu Aubry, Roman Kräussl, and Gustavo Manso)
04.02.2021Sergey Kichko (HSE St Petersburg)"Working from home: Too much of a good thing?" (joint with Kristian Behrens and Jacques-François Thisse)
08.02.2021Sebastian Ellingsen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)"Free and Protected: Trade and Breaks in Long-Term Persistence"
 04.03.2021Alex Suzdaltsev (HSE Campus in St. Petersburg) TBC
18.03.2021Benjamin Hébert (Stanford Graduate School of Business)Externalities as Arbitrage  
22.03.2021Yoto V. Yotov (Drexel University)From Theory to Policy with Gravitas: A Solution to the Mystery of the Excess Trade Balances 
25.03.2021Daniel Neuhann (UT Austin)TBC
08.04.2021Jiangtao Li (Singapore Management University)TBC
12.04.2021Rosa Ferrer (UPF)TBC
15.04.2021Olivier Tercieux (Paris School of Economics)TBC
22.04.2021Silvia Goncalves (McGill University)Impulse response analysis for structural dynamic models with nonlinear regressors

Seminars in 2019-2020 academic year

OrganisersEren Arbatlidarbatli@hse.ru

Madina Karamyshevamkaramysheva@hse.ru
AddressPokrovsky Boulevard 11, room T510 Moscow Higher School of Economics

16.09.2019 Kemal Yildiz (Bilkent University, Turkey)Choice through a unified lens: The prudential model (with Serhat Dogan)
 20.09.2019 Kalina Manova (University College London, UK) Productivity, (Mis)allocation and Trade
 23.09.2019 Assaf Razin (Tel Aviv University) Trade and financial globalization: winners. No losers
 30.09.2019 Gary Charness ( University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)How Do People Choose Between Biased Information Sources? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment
 14.10.2019 Armin Falk (Bonn University) Global Evidence on Economic Preferences
21.10.2019Morten Ravn (UCL, UK)(S)Cars and the Great Recession
The seminar is cancelled
Salvatore Piccolo (University of Bergamo, Italy)TBC
11.11.2019Hubert Kempf  (Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay)Monetary union as an international monetary system
21.11.2019Marzena Rostek (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)TBC
25.11.2019Oleg Baranov (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)

Revealed Preference and Activity Rules in Dynamic Auctions

09.12.2019Dennis Novy (University of Warwick, UK)Vehicle Currency Pricing and Exchange Rate Pass-Through (with Natalie Chen and Wanyu Chung)                                                                                                                                                                                   
16.12.2019Igor Letina (University of Bern)
Killer acquisitions and the incentive to innovate (joint with Armin Schmutzler and Regina Seibel, both University of Zurich)

James Tremewan (University of Auckland)

 Pledge-and-review bargaining in the laboratory

David Rahman (University of Minnesota)

Frequent Actions with Infrequent Coordination
30.04.2020Mathieu Parenti ( Université Libre de Bruxelles)Quantifying the Effects of International Tax Reforms
07.05.2020Anna Pavlova (London Business School)Is There Too Much Benchmarking in Asset Management?
14.05.2020Alessia Paccagnini (University College Dublin)TBC
28.05.2020Emanuele Tarantino (University of Mannheim)TBC

Seminars in 2018-2019 academic year

OrganisersLevent Celik lcelik@hse.ru

Alexander Tarasov atarasov@hse.ru
AddressShabolovka St, 26-3, room 3211 Moscow Higher School of Economics


17.09.2018Assaf Razin (Tel Aviv University, Israel)

Financial Globalization and the Welfare State

01.10.2018Vladimir Karamychev (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

  Need to Know? On Information Systems in Firms

29.10.2018Ola Kvaloy (Stavanger University, Norway)   Relative Performance Feedback to Teams
14.11.2018Sara Lowes (Bocconi University, Italy)  The Legacy of Colonial Medicine in Central Africa
The seminar is cancelled
Ameet Morjaria (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, US)


26.11.2018Jerome Adda (Bocconi University, Italy)Love, Ethnicity or Legal Status?  Natural Experiments in Marriage Markets
10.12.2018Robertas Zubrickas (University of Bath, UK)Donation-Based Crowdfunding with Refund Bonuses” (joint with Timothy Cason)
20.12.2018Benjamin Golub (Harvard University, US)Social Learning in a Dynamic Environment
21.12.2018Annie Liang (University of Pennsylvania, US)Complementary Information and Learning Traps
31.01.2019Galina Hale (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, USA)Shock Transmission through Cross-Border Bank Lending: Credit and Real Effects
The seminar is cancelled 
Mark Koyama (George Mason University, US)TBC

Marco Pagnozzi (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

Vertical Contracting with Endogenous Market Structure" (with Salvatore Piccolo and Markus Reisinger)

Daniel Garrett (Toulouse School of Economics, France)

Relational Contracts: Public versus Private Savings (with Francesc Dilme, U of Bonn)

22.04.2019Elena Carletti (Bocconi University, Italy)

The Price of Law: The Case of the Eurozone Collective Action Clauses 

27.05.2019Quoc-Anh Do (Institute of Political Studies, France)Friendship Networks and Political Opinions: A NaturalExperiment among Future French Politicians
The seminar is cancelled
Evi Pappa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) 
03.06.2019Aleh Tsyvinski (Yale University, USA)Asset Pricing for Cryptocurrencies
05.06.2019Ronald Harstad (University of Missouri, USA)Efficiency Measurement via Revealed Thresholds, Without Knowing Valuations
10.06.2019Halis Yildiz (Ryerson University, Canada)

Tariff Bindings and the Dynamic Formation of Preferential Trade Agreements (PDF, 2.34 Mb) 

Seminars in 2017-2018 academic year

11.09.2017Patricia Funk (University Of Lugano, Switzerland)Policy Choices in Assembly versus Representative Democracy: Evidence from Swiss Communes
18.09.2017Carlo Favero (Bocconi University, Italy)

 Joint with ICEF

Is it the "How" or the "When" that Matters in Fiscal Adjustments?

25.09.2017Arthur Lewbel (Boston College, USA)Identification of Random Resource Shares in Collective Households Without Preference Similarity Restrictions
02.10.2017Ian Marsh (City University London, UK)Fast Aggressive Trading (joint with Torben Latza and Richard Payne)
16.10.2017Carles Boix (Princeton University, USA)A Theory of State Formation and the Origins of Inequality
30.10.2017Galina Zudenkova (The University Of Mannheim, Germany)Incumbents' Performance and Political Polarization

13.11.2017Arthur Fishman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)  Collective Brands
Stephen Hansen (University of Oxford, UK) CEO Behavior and Firm Performance
04.12.2017Pierre M. Picard (University of Luxembourg) Vertical Differentiation in International Trade
16.01.2018Leandro Prados de la Escosura (University of Carlos III de Madrid)
 Well-being Inequality in the Long Run: An International View
26.03.2018Nikita Roketskiy (University College London, UK) Dynamic Demand and Sequential Monopoly: A Model of Endogenous Screening (joint with V.  Bhaskar)
09.04.2018Philipp Schmidt-Dengler (University of Vienna
, Austria)  Information and Price Dispersion: Theory and Evidence
18.04.2018Dean Yang (University of Michigan, USA) Abundance from Abroad: Migrant Earnings and Economic Development in the Philippines
25.04.2018Helios Herrera (The University of Warwick, UK)  Populism: Demand and Supply
14.05.2018Konrad Mierendorff (University College London, UK)  Auctions with Limited Commitment
29.05.2018Laura Alfaro (Harvard University, USA)
  The Real Exchange Rate, Innovation and Productivity: Regional Heterogeneity, Asymmetries and Hysteresis

Seminars in 2016-2017 academic year 



Sascha Becker
University of Warwick
Does Migration Cause Political Extremism? (joint with Thiemo Fetzer)
 26.09.2016Vladimir Smirnov
University of Sydney
Collusion with Intertemporal Price Dispersion (joint with Nicolas de Roos).
 03.10.2016Dmitriy Sergeyev
Bocconi University

Government Spending Multipliers under the Zero Lower Bound: Evidence from Japan (joint with Wataru Miyamoto and Thuy Lan Nguyen)

 10.10.2016Erik Hornung
University of Bayreuth
Industrialization, Demand for Human Capital, and the Decline in Coercive Labor Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Prussia (joint with Quamrul Ashraf, Francesco Cinnirella, Oded Galor, and Boris Gershman)
 24.10.2016Nagore Iriberri
University of the Basque Country

Competitive Pressure Widens the Gender Gap in Performance: Evidence from a Two-Stage Competition in Mathematics 

(joint with Pedro Rey-Biel)


 21.11.2016Dalia Marin
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Do Multinationals Transplant their Business Model? (joint with Linda Rousova and Thierry Verdier)
 28.11.2016Kristian Behrens
HSE; University of Québec at Montréal (UQAM)
 Are clusters resilient? Evidence from Canadian textile industries (joint with Brahim Boualam and Julien Martin)
 12.12.2016Jacques Thisse
HSE; Université catholique de Louvain
Amenities and the Social Structure of Cities: Theory and Evidence from the Netherlands (joint with Carl Gaigné, Hans R.A. Koster and Fabien Moizeau)
 19.12.2016Paola Giuliano
UCLA Anderson School of Management 
Understanding cultural persistence and change (joint with Nathan Nunn)

23.01.2017Regis Renault
Université de Cergy-Pontoise
  Direct response advertising and passive search
06.03.2017İsa E. Hafalır, Carnegie Mellon University College Admissions with Entrance Exams: Centralized versus Decentralized
13.03.2017Harald Fadinger
University of Mannheim
 All Together Now: Integration, Delegation and Management
10.04.2017Hubert Kempf
Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan
Public communication policies in an international economy: What should policymakers reveal?
17.04.2017Omer Moav
University of Warwick
 Cereals, Appropriability and Hierarchy

Philippe Gagnepain,Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Knowledge spillovers in cost-reducing incentives Luis Aguiar and Philippe Gagnepain


Anton Kolotilin, UNSW Business School

When to Drop a Bombshell