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Международный отдел факультета экономических наук оказывает содействие аспирантам в поиске зарубежных конференций, стажировок, стипендий, и возможностей для пост-докторских программ.  Информация о новых возможностях будет обновляться на этой страничке в рубрике «Анонсы международной мобильности для аспирантов». На факультете работает Комиссия по поддержке образовательных инициатив, которая поддерживает участие в образовательных мероприятиях за рубежом. Подробнее по ссылке

Также на факультете действует Научная комиссия, принимающая решения по поддержке заявок на финансирование участия в международных мероприятиях сотрудников, студентов и аспирантов участия в международных мероприятиях. Регламент работы комиссии, поддержанные заявки и необходимые документы находятся на сайте факультета экономических наук. 

Анонсы академической международной мобильности для аспирантов


Дедлайн 31 марта и 30 сентября
The UNU-WIDER PhD Internship Programme 
Gives registered doctoral students an opportunity to utilise the resources and facilities at UNU-WIDER for their PhD dissertation or thesis research, and to work with UNU-WIDER researchers in areas of mutual interest. PhD interns typically spend three consecutive months at UNU-WIDER in Helsinki; during that time, they prepare one or more research papers and present a seminar on their research findings. PhD interns may also have the opportunity to publish their research in UNU-WIDER’s working paper series. 
Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD programme and have shown ability to conduct research on developing economies. Candidates should be fluent in oral and written English and possess good quantitative and/or qualitative analytical skills. Preference is given to applicants who are living or working in developing countries and who are at later stages of the PhD. The PhD internship includes a travel grant, medical insurance (during your stay at UNU-WIDER), and a monthly stipend of EUR 1,600 to cover living expenses in Helsinki.  Подробнее

Дедлайн 1 октября 
The Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, Academy Scholars Program

The competition for the Harvard Academy postdoctoral fellowship is open only to recent PhD (or comparable professional school degree) recipients and doctoral candidates. Those still pursuing a PhD should have completed their routine training and be well along in the writing of their theses before applying to become Academy Scholars; those in possession of a PhD longer than three years are ineligible.

Each year four to five Academy Scholars are named for two-year appointments. Academy Scholars are expected to reside in the Cambridge/Boston area for the duration of their appointments unless traveling for pre-approved research purposes.
Postdoctoral Academy Scholars will receive an annual stipend of $67,000, and predoctoral Academy Scholars will receive an annual stipend of $31,000. This stipend is supplemented by funding for conference and research travel, research assistants, and health insurance coverage. Some teaching is permitted but not required.
Applications are welcome from qualified persons without regard to nationality, gender, or race. For complete information on how to apply and for access to the online application, please visit: http://www.academy.wcfia.harvard.edu.

Дедлайн - 31 октября
Швейцарская федеральная стипендия на научные исследования

Швейцарские федеральные стипендии-2023-2024

Дедлайн 1 декабря The Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2022/23 via BAYHOST. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply. The scholarships are meant to finance postgraduate studies (i.e. master’s programs) and PhDs at Bavarian higher education institutions. Annual scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years; the scholarship amounts 861,-€ per month. One-year study sojourns in Bavaria as part of a PhD in the home country can also be funded. Enclosed is our flyer and further information can be found on the BAYHOST website.


Дедлайн нет

Стажировка для  аспирантов ФЭН в Школе Экономики Шанхайского университета (КНР) на срок до 9 месяцев.  Аспиранты, желающие принять участие, обращаются по эл. почте к Оксане Будько

Дедлайн 31 марта 
Japanese Association of University Women (JAUW) is now calling for Applications for its International Fellowships. This program is to offer core funding to financially help you come and stay in Japan when you have found that it is preferable or very important for you to stay in Japan to further pursue your ongoing study/research. Подробнее

Дедлайн 8 апреля 
Jerusalem School in Economic Theory
Organizers: Eric Maskin, General Director (Harvard University) Elchanan Ben-Porath, Codirector (The Hebrew University) Stephen Morris (Princeton University)
Application Form
Industrial Organization studies how markets are structured and the way they respond to changes in conditions (e.g., to policy revisions). The field draws heavily on both theory and empirical work, and both will be amply represented in the Summer School. We will focus on several topics of current research interest: vertical markets, allocation in markets without prices, market dynamics, and regulation.

Дедлайн 24 мая
BOFIT Visiting Researchers Programme – Call for autumn/winter 2020 is open until 24 May 2020.
BOFIT Visiting Researchers scheme enables academics and researchers to spend a period of time conducting research at Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) in Helsinki. BOFIT accepts applicants who can make a compelling case regarding how their presence and work will complement our research environment as well as enhance BOFIT’s research profile. We value applications with properly worked-out, realizable research objectives to be pursued during the visit at BOFIT. Scholars focusing on the Russian or Chinese economy will be given priority. Joint projects as well as other possible interaction with regular BOFIT staff are highly appreciated

Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality (SSSI) Chicago
The Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group Summer Schools on Socioeconomic Inequality will provide a state-of-the-art overview on the study of inequality and human flourishing. Participants will learn about the integration between psychological and sociological insights into the foundations of human behavior and conventional economic models. Through rigorous lectures students will be trained on various tools needed to study the issue of inequality.
During these intense programs, students attend lectures, engage in discussions with leading faculty from around the world, present their own research, and interact with peers from institutions across the globe.

Дедлайн: June 15

Дедлайн 30 июня 
The Endeavour Scholarships. Australian Government’s competitive, merit-based scholarships providing opportunities for overseas students to undertake study, research or professional development in Australia. Подробнее


Полезные ссылки:

Министерство образования РФ
Кампюс Франс 



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