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Illustration for news: HSE University Master’s Programmes to Follow New Educational Standard

HSE University Master’s Programmes to Follow New Educational Standard

The University Academic Council has approved a new educational standard for HSE Master’s programmes, the main feature of which is an higher degree of student freedom and flexibility se in student choice. Master’s programmes may consist of several tracks, each overseen by an academic track supervisor—a new key figure in the educational process.

Illustration for news: HSE University Experts Analysed How Personality Affects Earnings and Career Outcomes

HSE University Experts Analysed How Personality Affects Earnings and Career Outcomes

Openness, friendliness, tenacity, motivation, risk-taking, self-control and other non-cognitive components of human capital can be important determinants of earnings. And parental investment in their children’s non-cognitive skills affects their future academic and career success. This is set out in the work of HSE University’s Centre for Labour Market Studies (CLMS).

Illustration for news: ‘When You Create a Startup, Your Main Motivation is Freedom from Corporate Slavery’

‘When You Create a Startup, Your Main Motivation is Freedom from Corporate Slavery’

As reported in Forbes, DeckRobot attracted $1.5 million in seed round investments this fall. Solo founder of the project and HSE graduate Anton Urbanas, aka Tony Urban, promises to simplify life for office workers by automating PowerPoint: now AI will create the slides. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr Urbanas explained why mathematicians are in demand in the U.S. right now, what could save office staff from sleepless nights with PowerPoint, how a startup can survive ‘imposter syndrome,’ whether it is easy to be a solo founder and how to start converting ideas into money.

Illustration for news: Online Music Meeting Dedicated to the 180th Birth Anniversary of Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Online Music Meeting Dedicated to the 180th Birth Anniversary of Pyotr Tchaikovsky

On November 21 an online music meeting ‘Happy Birthday, Pyotr Tchaikovsky!’ will be held at HSE University

Illustration for news: Registration for MAGOLEGO Courses to Open Next Week

Registration for MAGOLEGO Courses to Open Next Week

In academic year 2020/2021, HSE University will run 122 elective courses from MAGOLEGO all-university pool for first-year master’s students

Illustration for news: Q&A with Former International Student Edoardo Alberti

Q&A with Former International Student Edoardo Alberti

Illustration for news: German Ambassador Géza Andreas von Geyr to Deliver Open Lecture for HSE University students

German Ambassador Géza Andreas von Geyr to Deliver Open Lecture for HSE University students

What is the place and role of the European Union in the modern world? How is the European integration project developing, and what role does Germany play in it? How are relations between the EU and Russia today? You will learn the answers to these and many other questions during the lecture.

Illustration for news: HSE Returns to Online Instruction

HSE Returns to Online Instruction

HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov has signed an order stipulating that HSE University will transition to online learning beginning November 16

Illustration for news: Two HSE Student Teams Win Future Tech Case Championship

Two HSE Student Teams Win Future Tech Case Championship

Future Tech, an interuniversity case championship organized by the Moscow City Innovation Agency, has announced its results. 32 university teams from eight Russian cities participated in the competition. The awarding ceremony took place at the Digital Business Space on Pokrovka.

Illustration for news: HSE University Ranks 115th in RePEc World Ranking

HSE University Ranks 115th in RePEc World Ranking

The RePEc rating (Research Papers in Economics) is based on publication activity data in the field of economics and related disciplines. In recent years, HSE University has consistently ranked first among Russian universities, and it continues to steadily climb the global ranking, overtaking well-known, centuries-old foreign universities. In the latest European ranking, HSE University took 46th place. In the world ranking, the university has ranked 115th (an increase of 4 places in the space of one month).