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Tag "achievements"

Illustration for news: HSE University Tops Forbes Education Ranking of Universities with Highest Reputation among Employers

HSE University Tops Forbes Education Ranking of Universities with Highest Reputation among Employers

Forbes Education has released a new ranking of the top 20 Russian universities with the most trusted degrees, based on a survey of the country's leading companies. HSE University tops the list, followed by Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, and Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Illustration for news: Anastasia Sherubneva has published a new study in the journal «Regional Science: Policy & Practice»

Anastasia Sherubneva has published a new study in the journal «Regional Science: Policy & Practice»

Congratulations to Olga Guseva on the successful defence of her PhD dissertation!

Поздравляем старшего преподавателя Школы финансов Гусеву Ольгу с успешной защитой кандидатской диссертации!

Professor of the School of Finance Dmitry Tikhomirov became the winner of the “Golden Names of Higher School” competition in 2023.

Professor of the School of Finance Dmitry Tikhomirov is included in the list of winners of the annual competition “Golden Names of Higher School”. The nomination - for the development of practice-oriented higher education.

Illustration for news: Online Campus of HSE University Sets New Admissions Record

Online Campus of HSE University Sets New Admissions Record

HSE University has announced the results of its 2023/24 online admissions campaign. The university, which leads in CIS countries in terms of the number of online programmes (three bachelor’s and 18 master’s), has once again attracted the most students this year with a total of 1,750 admissions.

Illustration for news: Paper of Alexander Tarasov in Economic Theory

Paper of Alexander Tarasov in Economic Theory

Congratulations to Alexander Tarasov, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, on the publication of his paper "Optimal income taxation under monopolistic competition " in Economic Theory.

Illustration for news: Students from Leading Universities Take Part in Hackathon Organised by MTS and HSE University

Students from Leading Universities Take Part in Hackathon Organised by MTS and HSE University

At the end of June, HSE University hosted Reklamathon, an inter-university hackathon in which participants must develop a prototype product for forecasting the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on social media. The event was organised by HSE University’s Data-Driven Communication master’s programme, which trains communications industry specialists. The hackathon’s assignments and judges were arranged by MTS, Russia’s largest digital ecosystem.

Illustration for news: First Graduates of the Online Master's Programme ‘Economic Analysis’ Defend Their Theses

First Graduates of the Online Master's Programme ‘Economic Analysis’ Defend Their Theses

The cost of apartments in Vladivostok, the volatility of cryptocurrencies, the consumption of ferrous metals in different countries, the communications of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the results of state motherhood support measures — these and many other diverse issues were covered in theses by ‘Economic Analysis’ graduates, which they defended in mid-June.

Illustration for news: Congratulations to Oleg Baranov with his tenure!

Congratulations to Oleg Baranov with his tenure!

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Department of Theoretical Economics is very pleased to congratulate Oleg Baranov with getting tenured position at the HSE!

Illustration for news: HSE University Comes First in HeadHunter Ranking of Top Russian Universities

HSE University Comes First in HeadHunter Ranking of Top Russian Universities

HSE University took first place in the 2022 ranking of the top universities in Russia according to HeadHunter, the biggest online recruitment company in Russia. Its rankings are based on employer demand for graduates of Russian universities whose CVs are available on the hh.ru website.