Boldyrev I., Ushakov A. Adjusting the model to adjust the world: constructive mechanisms in postwar general equilibrium theory Journal of Economic Methodology |
Korhonen I., Peresetsky A. What Influences Stock Market Behavior in Russia and Other Emerging Countries? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade |
Veselova Y. The difference between manipulability indices in the IC and IANC models Social Choice and Welfare |
Djankov S., Nikolova E., Zilinsky J. The happiness gap in Eastern Europe Journal of Comparative Economics |
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Teplova T.V., Rodina V.A. Does stock exchange consolidation improve market liquidity? A study of stock exchange acquisition in Russia Research in International Business and Finance |
Obydenkova A., Salahodjaev R. Intelligence, democracy, and international environmental commitment Environmental Research |
Andrievskaya I., Semenova M. Does banking system transparency enhance bank competition? Cross-country evidence Journal of Financial Stability |
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Kabanov Y., Pergamenshchikov S. In the insurance business risky investments are dangerous: the case of negative risk sums Finance and Stochastics |
Zakharenko R. Nothing else matters: Evolution of preference for social prestige Mathematical Social Sciences |
Lankina T.V., Libman A., Obydenkova A. Appropriation and Subversion: Precommunist Literacy, Communist Party Saturation, and Postcommunist Democratic Outcomes World Politics |
Avdasheva S., Golovanova S., Korneeva D. Distorting effects of competition authority’s performance measurement: the case of Russia International Journal of Public Sector Management |
Afanasyev D.O., Fedorova E.A. The long-term trends on the electricity markets: Comparison of empirical mode and wavelet decompositions Energy Economics |
Fedorova E.A., Korkmazova B.K., Muratov M.A. Spillover effects of the Russian economy: Regional specificity Economy of Region |
Obydenkova A., Nazarov Z., Salahodjaev R. The process of deforestation in weak democracies and the role of Intelligence Environmental Research |
Zakharenko R. The time dimension of parking economics Transportation Research Part B: Methodological |
Gehlbach S., Sonin K., Svolik M.W. Formal Models of Nondemocratic Politics Annual Review of Political Science |
Krishna K., Tarasov A. Affirmative action: One size does not fit all American Economic Journal: Microeconomics |
Zasimova L. The use of medical care and out-of-pocket payments in Russia Scandinavian Journal of Public Health |
De Vallière D., Kabanov Y., Lépinette E. Consumption-investment problem with transaction costs for Lévy-driven price processes Finance and Stochastics |
Aköz K.K., Arbatli C.E. Information Manipulation in Election Campaigns Economics and Politics |
Guriev S., Melnikov N. War, inflation, and social capital American Economic Review |
Zakharov A.V. The loyalty-competence trade-off in dictatorships and outside options for subordinates Journal of Politics |
Zakharenko R. Self-driving cars will change cities Regional Science and Urban Economics |
Kabanov Y., Kardaras C., Song S. No arbitrage of the first kind and local martingale numéraires Finance and Stochastics |
Fedotenkov I. Ignorance is bliss: Should a pension reform be announced? Economics Letters |
Mulier K., Schoors K., Merlevede B. Investment-cash flow sensitivity and financial constraints: Evidence from unquoted European SMEs Journal of Banking and Finance |
Janssen M., Karamychev V. Spiteful bidding and gaming in combinatorial clock auctions Games and Economic Behavior |
Belenky A.S., Bolkunov D.S. An equilibrium analysis of investment opportunities in a regional electrical grid Energy Systems |
Dementiev A. Strategic partnerships in local public transport Research in Transportation Economics |