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109028, Moscow
11 Pokrovsky Boulevard,
Room Т-614
Phone: (495) 628-83-68

email: fes@hse.ru 

First Deputy Dean Sergey Merzlyakov
Deputy Dean for Academic Work Elena Pokatovich
Deputy Dean for Research Dmitry A. Veselov
Deputy Dean for International Affairs Liudmila S. Zasimova
Deputy Dean for Undergraduate Studies Elena Burmistrova

Publications 2016

The list below includes all publications by FES faculty and students, as well as units associated with FES, including ICEF, in journals indexed by Scopus (SJR) or Web of Science in the first and second quartile.   

Economics and Finance (2016)

Go to Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Boldyrev I., Ushakov A.  
Adjusting the model to adjust the world: constructive mechanisms in postwar general equilibrium theory  
Journal of Economic Methodology
Korhonen I., Peresetsky A. 
What Influences Stock Market Behavior in Russia and Other Emerging Countries? 
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Veselova Y. 
The difference between manipulability indices in the IC and IANC models 
Social Choice and Welfare
Djankov S., Nikolova E., Zilinsky J. 
The happiness gap in Eastern Europe 
Journal of Comparative Economics
Abankina I.Aleskerov F.Belousova V.Gokhberg L.Kiselgof S.Petrushchenko V.Shvydun S.Zinkovsky K. 
From equality to diversity: Classifying Russian universities in a performance oriented system 
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Celik L. 
Competitive provision of tune-ins under common private information 
International Journal of Industrial Organization
Teplova T.V.Rodina V.A. 
Does stock exchange consolidation improve market liquidity? A study of stock exchange acquisition in Russia 
Research in International Business and Finance
Obydenkova A., Salahodjaev R. 
Intelligence, democracy, and international environmental commitment 
Environmental Research
Andrievskaya I., Semenova M. 
Does banking system transparency enhance bank competition? Cross-country evidence 
Journal of Financial Stability
Kossova T.Sheluntcova M. 
"Evaluating performance of public sector projects in Russia: The choice of a social discount rate" 
International Journal of Project Management
Kabanov Y., Pergamenshchikov S. 
In the insurance business risky investments are dangerous: the case of negative risk sums 
Finance and Stochastics
Zakharenko R. 
Nothing else matters: Evolution of preference for social prestige 
Mathematical Social Sciences
Lankina T.V., Libman A.Obydenkova A. 
Appropriation and Subversion: Precommunist Literacy, Communist Party Saturation, and Postcommunist Democratic Outcomes 
World Politics
Avdasheva S.Golovanova S.Korneeva D. 
Distorting effects of competition authority’s performance measurement: the case of Russia 
International Journal of Public Sector Management
Afanasyev D.O., Fedorova E.A. 
The long-term trends on the electricity markets: Comparison of empirical mode and wavelet decompositions 
Energy Economics
Fedorova E.A., Korkmazova B.K., Muratov M.A. 
Spillover effects of the Russian economy: Regional specificity 
Economy of Region
Obydenkova A., Nazarov Z., Salahodjaev R. 
The process of deforestation in weak democracies and the role of Intelligence 
Environmental Research
Zakharenko R. 
The time dimension of parking economics 
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Gehlbach S., Sonin K., Svolik M.W. 
Formal Models of Nondemocratic Politics 
Annual Review of Political Science
Krishna K., Tarasov A. 
Affirmative action: One size does not fit all 
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Zasimova L. 
The use of medical care and out-of-pocket payments in Russia 
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
De Vallière D., Kabanov Y., Lépinette E. 
Consumption-investment problem with transaction costs for Lévy-driven price processes 
Finance and Stochastics
Aköz K.K., Arbatli C.E. 
Information Manipulation in Election Campaigns 
Economics and Politics
Guriev S., Melnikov N. 
War, inflation, and social capital 
American Economic Review
Zakharov A.V. 
The loyalty-competence trade-off in dictatorships and outside options for subordinates 
Journal of Politics
Zakharenko R. 
Self-driving cars will change cities 
Regional Science and Urban Economics
Kabanov Y., Kardaras C., Song S. 
No arbitrage of the first kind and local martingale numéraires 
Finance and Stochastics
Fedotenkov I. 
Ignorance is bliss: Should a pension reform be announced? 
Economics Letters
Mulier K., Schoors K., Merlevede B. 
Investment-cash flow sensitivity and financial constraints: Evidence from unquoted European SMEs 
Journal of Banking and Finance
Janssen M., Karamychev V. 
Spiteful bidding and gaming in combinatorial clock auctions 
Games and Economic Behavior
Belenky A.S., Bolkunov D.S. 
An equilibrium analysis of investment opportunities in a regional electrical grid 
Energy Systems
Dementiev A. 
Strategic partnerships in local public transport 
Research in Transportation Economics

Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2016)

Go to Economics and Finance 
Sazonov I., Kelbert M., Gravenor M.B. 
Random migration processes between two stochastic epidemic centers 
Mathematical Biosciences
Kelbert M.Konakov V.Menozzi S. 
Weak error for Continuous Time Markov Chains related to fractional in time P(I)DEs 
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Aleskerov F.Petrushchenko V. 
DEA by sequential exclusion of alternatives in heterogeneous samples 
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
Bogachev V.I.Shaposhnikov S.V.Veretennikov A.Yu. 
Differentiability of solutions of stationary fokker-planck-kolmogorov equations with respect to a parameter 
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A
Lee E.R., Mammen E. 
Local linear smoothing for sparse high dimensional varying coefficient models 
Electronic Journal of Statistics
Da Prato G., Flandoli F., Röckner M., Veretennikov A.Y. 
Strong uniqueness for sdes in hilbert spaces with nonregular drift 
Annals of Probability
Karpov A. 
A new knockout tournament seeding method and its axiomatic justification 
Operations Research Letters
Molchanov S., Faizullin D.A., Nesmelova I.V. 
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Translational Diffusion of Proteins in the Vicinity of Temperature-Induced Unfolding Transition 
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Chernyshev V.L. 
Semiclassical spectral series of a quantum Schrödinger operator corresponding to a singular circle composed of equilibria 
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
Chernyshev V.L., Tolchennikov A.A., Shafarevich A.I. 
Behavior of quasi-particles on hybrid spaces. Relations to the geometry of geodesics and to the problems of analytic number theory 
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Huang L., Menozzi S. 
A parametrix approach for some degenerate stable driven SDEs 
Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics